Days for Girls Reusable Menstrual Kit Creation Event

Event Image
Days for Girls - Create Reusable Menstrual Kits for Girls in Low-Resource Countries

In places all around the world, girls struggle to acquire equal access to menstrual products. These products are necessary for their everyday life functioning; without them, their ability to participate in daily activities is inhibited. Menstrual equity has shown to improve school attendance, job opportunity, and financial gain for women of all ages and ethnicities. In recognition of this struggle faced by women across the world, please join us for our biannual Days For Girls event on Saturday, October 28th from 9:30am-2:30pm in CPC~2650 the Bamboo Room!! Come support the Global Public Health Association @ RIT in making reusable menstrual kits to send to girls in need in efforts to achieve menstrual equity for all.

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John Oliphant
Event Snapshot
When and Where
October 28, 2023
9:30 am - 2:30 pm
Room/Location: Bamboo Room (CPC-2610)

Open to the Public

Interpreter Requested?


commitment to goodness
community outreach
global engagement