DisCoMath Seminar: On the 𝑛-attack Roman Dominating Number of a Graph and the use of End-Connected Center-Disjoint P5 subgraphs

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DisCoMath Seminar
On the 𝑛-attack Roman Dominating Number of a Graph and the use of End-Connected Center-Disjoint P5 subgraphs

Garrison Koch
Rochester Institute of Technology

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The Roman Dominating number is a widely studied variant of the dominating number on graphs. Given a graph 𝐺=(𝑉,𝐸), the dominating number of a graph is the minimum size of a vertex set, π‘‰β€²βŠ†π‘‰, so that every vertex in the graph is either in 𝑉′ or is adjacent to a vertex in 𝑉′. The Roman Dominating function of 𝐺 is defined as 𝑓:𝑉→{0,1,2} such that every vertex with a label of 0 in 𝐺 is adjacent to a vertex with a label of 2. The Roman Dominating number of a graph is the minimum total weight over all possible Roman Dominating functions. In this talk we analyze a new variant: 𝑛-attack Roman Domination, particularly focusing on 2-attack Roman Domination (𝑛=2). The 𝑛-attack Roman Dominating function of 𝐺 is defined similarly to the Roman Dominating function with the additional condition that for any 𝑗≀𝑛, any subset 𝑆 of 𝑗 vertices all with label 0, must have at least 𝑗 vertices with label 2 in the open neighborhood of 𝑆. The 𝑛-attack Roman Dominating number is the minimum total weight over all possible 𝑛-attack Roman Dominating functions. We introduce a method for finding the 2RD number of a graph. We touch on extensions such as infinite regular graphs and "finite resources". We conclude with open questions and possible ways to extend these results to the general 𝑛-attack case.

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Intended Audience:
All are welcome.

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Event Contact: Brendan Rooney | brsma@rit.eduΒ 

Brendan Rooney
Event Snapshot
When and Where
February 28, 2024
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Room/Location: 1155

Open to the Public

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