FirstByte- Ganondagan Field Trip

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In honor of November being Native American Heritage Month, Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences will be taking a trip to Ganondagan on Saturday November 18, 2023.  

Ganondagan State Historic Site located in Victor, NY is a National Historic Landmark, the only New York State Historic Site dedicated to a Native American theme (1987), and the only Seneca town developed and interpreted in the United States. Spanning 569 acres, Ganondagan (ga·NON·da·gan) is the original site of a 17th century Seneca town, that existed there peacefully more than 350 years ago. The culture, art, agriculture, and government of the Seneca people influenced our modern understanding of equality, democratic government, women’s rights, ecology and natural foods.

Transportation will be provided.

If you require interpreting services, please submit a request at

Lauren Shields
Event Snapshot
When and Where
November 18, 2023
12:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Room/Location: Bus departs from campus

Open to the Public

Interpreter Requested?


commitment to goodness
racial inclusiveness