Physics Colloquium: Critical Studies in STEM Education

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Physics Colloquium
Critical Studies in STEM Education

Dr. Miguel Rodriguez
Assistant Professor
California State University Dominguez Hills

In this talk, I will go through some of the critical (and some non-critical) research findings I have found throughout my academic career, to provide an overview of my research trajectory in Physics Education Research (PER) and STEM Education research. I will break down Critical Race Theory, which is a useful theoretical framework for studying the experiences of people of color in PER and STEM. Then I will present results from my most recently published study on the microaggressions that international students attending predominantly white institutions may face in graduate STEM degrees. Next, I will discuss my current work in progress, which focuses on the experiences of domestic students pursuing undergraduate STEM majors and the use of Large Language Models, such as ChatGPT, in Physics Education. I hope my critical studies on Students of Color can lead to progressive shifts that can bring in (and retain) more diverse people into Physics and STEM overall. Lastly, I will share my vision for the future of PER and STEM Education, and how I plan to contribute towards that dream by expanding my field of study, STEM Education, to include innovative technology such as Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality, and eventually Quantum Computing.

Speaker Bio:
Miguel Rodriguez is currently an Assistant professor at California State University Dominguez Hills. Prior to being at CSUDH, he graduated with his PhD in Physics in 2020 from Florida International University, and then worked as a postdoctoral scholar for the University of Utah for two years. His research areas include small group learning, critical race theory, intersectionality, and more recently Large Language Models such as ChatGPT.

Intended Audience:
Anyone with interest in the topic. All are Welcome.

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Rebecca Day
Event Snapshot
When and Where
January 24, 2024
1:00 pm - 1:50 pm
Room/Location: 1300

Open to the Public

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