Plenary Talk: Empirical Investigations for Future AI-powered ASL Personal Assistant Devices

Gallaudet University faculty member, Abraham Glasser, will give a plenary talk on Empirical Investigations for Future AI-powered ASL Personal Assistant Devices.

ABSTRACT: Proliferation of voice-controlled personal-assistant devices (e.g. Siri, Alexa, Google Assistant) that do not understand sign language input poses accessibility barriers for Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHH) users. At the same time, sign language technologies remain in their infancy. As artificial intelligence (AI) researchers and developers are working on American Sign Language (ASL) recognition technologies, Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) research is needed to understand what DHH users may want from this technology and how to best design the interaction, as well as informing the research and development processes for this technology. In this talk I will describe my research agenda on this topic, where I have utilized HCI methodologies to conduct fundamental research despite lacking AI-powered sign language technology.

BIO: Dr. Abraham Glasser is an Assistant Professor in the Accessible Human Centered Computing program, in the School of Science, Technology, Accessibility, Mathematics, and Public Health (STAMP) at Gallaudet University in Washington, DC. Abraham is a born-Deaf, native ASL signer, and has a PhD in Computing and Information Sciences from the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT). Leveraging his own lived experiences, his research focuses on accessible computing for Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHH) individuals, including speech and sign language technologies across various modalities. He has authored over 50 peer-reviewed scientific journal articles, book chapters, and conference papers, including at top venues in human-computer interaction and computing accessibility, such as the ACM CHI, ASSETS, W4A, CSCW, VRST, and CUI conferences. His work has received several awards, including First Place at an ACM CHI research competition, best poster at ACM VRST, two best paper nominee awards at ACM ASSETS, and an impact award at ACM CSCW.

Event Snapshot
When and Where
August 22, 2024
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Room/Location: CYB-1750 (The Cyber Range)

Open to the Public

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artificial intelligence
deaf community