TigerFest: Interfaith Sand Mandala Art

Event Image
woman sits performing sand art, creating a mandala on a table with various spiritual/religious symbols

Join us and local Tibetan-trained sand mandala artist, Rev. Katie Jo Suddaby (https://www.sandbykatiejo.com/), as we work together to create an interfaith sand mandala.  Katie Jo will teach and guide students as they assist her and themselves with the traditional practice, leading us in a dissolution ceremony at closing.

Additionally, chaplains will be available from the many Spirituality and Religious Life organizations on campus to answer any questions and learn about what they can offer!

I hope you can join us as part of the Week of Welcome!

TigerFest is RIT’s welcome festival. Start your semester by getting connected and learning about all things RIT! For a complete list of events and sponsors, visit rit.edu/tigerfest.

Andrew Cirillo
Event Snapshot
When and Where
August 26, 2024
4:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Room/Location: SHED Main Lobby (SHD-1950)

Open to the Public

Interpreter Requested?


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