CIP Codes

What is a CIP Code?

The Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) is a national taxonomy of academic programs developed by the US Department of Education to assist in the classification of academic programs for federal surveys and reporting of institutional data. Universities assign CIP codes to their academic programs. At RIT, each program of study has a 6-digit CIP code which can be viewed in the RIT Program Library.


CIP Codes and STEM Designation

CIP codes are sometimes used to determine eligibility for special programs or grant funding. There is not one universally accepted definition of STEM. Below  are some common uses of CIP codes for STEM designation:

  • STEM Optional Practical Training (OPT) Extension: A STEM OPT Extension is a 24-month period of time allowing an international student to obtain additional training in their subject area. The program of study must be in an approved STEM discipline as identified by the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The list of STEM OPT extension programs is developed by the DHS and the most recent version of this list can be found here.
  • Grant Eligibility: Refer to funding guidelines to determine STEM program eligibility.

CIP Code Assignment

CIP codes are assigned to academic programs when they are created based on the curriculum as approved for the degree by RIT. The information below outlines the assignment of CIP codes for new programs and requests for changes to CIP code assignments.

Any program with a qualifying STEM CIP code - either for STEM OPT Extension or grant eligibility - must demonstrate that 50% or more of the program content and associated learning outcomes are grounded in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. The evidence for this is found in the program level outcomes assessment plan (PLOAP) developed for each degree program and the syllabi for courses required in the program. Click here to download a worksheet template that can be used to demonstrate how the program's goals, learning outcomes and required courses support a STEM designation.

Initial CIP code assignment for new programs: Office of Academic Program and Curriculum Management determines the CIP code in consultation with Institutional Research, Registrar and the academic program faculty. The assignment is based on the RIT approved curriculum. A CIP code should be approved prior to sending the new program application to NYSED. Once approved, the CIP code is then recorded as an attribute of an academic program in the student information system.

Requests for changes to CIP code assignments for existing programs: CIP codes are generally static but occasional changes can be made to increase alignment with a program's curriculum. To request a change in CIP code assignment, a short proposal should be created that includes the following:

  • The current CIP code and the official CIP code description
  • The proposed CIP code and the official CIP code description
  • The rationale/justification for how the proposed CIP code is a better description for the degree or major than the current assignment
  • If a STEM-designated CIP code is requested, provide documentation which shows that 50% or more of the program content and associated learning outcomes are grounded in science, technology, engineering and mathematics
    • Click here to download a worksheet template that can be used to demonstrate how the program's goals, learning outcomes and required courses support a STEM designation. The worksheet also provides an example.
  • Required course syllabi that support the change
  • Program Level Outcomes Assessment Plan (PLOAP)
  • Information demonstrating that the CIP code change will not have adverse impacts on students, and
  • Memos of support or concurrence from closely related programs, if relevant. The proposal should be approved by the program faculty and the school/college dean's office.

Changes to required STEM courses: After a program is approved as STEM-designated, if changes are made to the list of required courses that supported the STEM designation, it could impact the program's eligibility for a STEM-designated CIP code. The Dean's office will need to submit an updated worksheet that demonstrates the program's continued eligibility for a STEM-designated CIP code. The updated worksheet should be submitted to the Office of Academic Program and Curriculum Management, before the curricular changes are implemented.

Submission: A CIP code request should be submitted for review and approval prior to submitting any curricular changes to NYSED that were necessary to align with the change. Dean's offices should submit the proposal to the Office of Academic Program and Curriculum Management, who will review in consultation with Institutional Research and the Registrar.