Rules & Regulations

Parking Regulations & Restrictions

The following rules and regulations are in effect at all times and are intended to promote order and ease of movement for pedestrians and vehicles and to safeguard people and RIT property. All drivers on the RIT campus must be aware of these regulations. Failure to know these rules and regulations is not an excuse for violation. First citations of the academic year do not get reduced to warnings.  RIT parking and traffic regulations may be revised at any time.

  • Parking is not allowed in any place that is not specifically striped or signed for parking.
  • Parking is not allowed on any campus roadway.
  • Parking is not allowed in any fire lane.
  • All parking areas are striped.
  • All vehicles must be parked within lined parking spaces.
  • The university is not obligated to mark or sign all areas where parking is prohibited. It is the responsibility of the vehicle operator to park in accordance with the regulations. Lack of signs does not imply lack of enforcement.
  • Unauthorized vehicles may not be parked in areas that are restricted by signs for special purposes.
  • Lack of available space in a desired area is not a valid excuse for violating parking regulations.
  • RIT assumes no financial liability for thefts from, or damage to vehicles operated or parked on RIT property.
  • The Parking Office may restrict or otherwise control as necessary, the use of parking spaces or lots for RIT needs and special events.
  • Snow removal operations require that members of RIT and their guests cooperate by moving their vehicles from unplowed areas. Vehicles hindering snow removal may be towed at the owner/operator's expense.
  • Parking on the grass or outside edge of the parking lots is prohibited.
  • Anyone may use 20-minute flasher spaces anytime. Flashers must be on, and vehicle must be moved within 20 minutes. 

The university does not allow any overnight sleeping or camping in a vehicle on campus or any affiliated property of the university, whether it be a personal vehicle or recreational vehicle.  If assistance is needed in regards to food, shelter or general wellness, please contact RIT Case Management at or call them at 585-475-3963.

Administration Lot and Admin Spaces

  • The Administration Lot and all Admin spaces are reserved 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for paid Admin permit holders.
  • When there is no attendant at the Welcome Information Center, the Admin lot, at Building 1, is closed.
  • Accessible Parking spaces in the Admin Lot are reserved for authorized guests of the university.
  • Loading or unloading of any vehicle, or use of the Administration Circle area, is only permitted with consent from the Parking Office or the Welcome Information Center.


  • Parking at Perkins Green, Riverknoll, University Commons, and Greek Housing at Riverknoll is reserved for residents only.
  • Legitimate residents of each complex are identified by the permit issued at vehicle registration.
  • The permit is valid only in the apartment complex named on it.
  • Overflow parking is as follows:
    • Perkins Green: K-Lot
    • Riverknoll/Greek Housing: Global Village Parking Lot (north side of Kimball Drive)

Reserved Areas

  • Areas in Lot D, E, F, J, M, R, S, U, CIMS West, SAU service, Grace Watson Lot, Kate Gleason Circle, and Sol Heumann Circle are reserved and restricted by signs from 5am - 5pm, Monday - Friday for those who purchased the appropriate permit.
  • Reserved areas are open for general parking after 5pm weekdays, anytime on weekends, or whenever the signs are covered by the Parking Office with green canvas bags.

General Rules

Purchase a Permit and Register your Vehicle

All students, faculty, and staff must register their vehicle and purchase a permit. Sharing of permits is prohibited.  Permit purchases and registration is done online through the MyParking Portal.  Parking permit exchanges and cancellations are only allowed until September 15 for Fall semester and February 15 for Spring semester.  

Evening & Weekends

From 5 pm to 5 am Monday - Friday as well as Saturday and Sunday you do not need a permit for Reserved, General, ParkMobile, Electric Vehicle and Residential parking spaces. All admin, accessible parking, electric vehicle spaces (for non-electric vehicles), and fire lanes are still enforced.

Traffic Regulations

New York State traffic regulations are in effect on the RIT Campus. The following provides a quick reminder of basic traffic regulations. The RIT Public Safety department is responsible for monitoring the traffic regulations.

  • The speed on campus roads is monitored by electronic speed devices.
  • The speed on campus roadways is 25 miles per hour unless otherwise posted.
  • The speed limit in RIT parking lots is 5 miles per hour unless otherwise posted.
  • Seat Belts are required at all times in NY and at RIT.
  • Vehicle must have a current State Vehicle Registration and Inspection.
  • Vehicle must be registered with the Parking Office (except visitors) or display an RIT parking permit.
  • All traffic control devices (stop, yield, pedestrian crossing, and speed signs) must be followed.
  • Reckless driving is prohibited.
  • All roads and paved areas (not explicitly marked for parking) are considered “Fire Lanes” and parking is not permitted.
  • Drivers must yield the right-of-way to all emergency vehicles (i.e., Public Safety, ambulance, fire truck).
  • Drivers must yield the right-of-way to pedestrians crossing any portion of a roadway crosswalk (NYS Law).
  • Vehicle operators may be fined or are subject to judicial action for moving violations.

Accessible Parking

  • Parking in accessible parking spaces is permitted with a state-issued accessible parking permit.
  • The use of an accessible parking plate or placard must be accompanied by an RIT parking permit.
  • General accessible parking spaces are provided in each lot and meet ADA regulations.
  • Parking in accessible parking areas without proper authorization is a serious federal, state, and RIT offense. Vehicles will be fined and may be towed at the owner/operator's expense.
  • The Parking Office will issue a temporary accessible parking permit for one week, while an official accessible parking permit is obtained from a local municipality. To apply, please visit the RIT Service Center and complete the Service Request for an Accessible Parking Permit application.   

Electric Vehicle Charging



RIT has several areas with Level II Electric Vehicle Charging Stations. The stations are located in D Lot, L Lot, M Lot, and T Lot. Anyone with an EV can utilize the spaces to charge with an active ParkMobile session.$.50 per hour for the first 4 hours, then the price escalates to $4.00 per hour for each additional hour. When done charging, community members must park according to their parking permit or utilize a ParkMobile session. Visitors and Guests would be required to have a visitors pass or utilize a ParkMobile session. 

Resident Students may use the Electric Vehicle charging stations with an active ParkMobile session.  Students are not permitted to trickle charge electric vehicles at their apartment complex.

RIT requests that electric car users limit their charging time to four hours maximum so that others can have access to them. If needing to move your car, please park it according to your permit or other designated ParkMobile options, just not in those spaces so others can utilize the chargers.

Here are Eight Rules of EV Charging Etiquette that we recommend everyone follow. Some of the charging stations are associated with the Chargepoint network and a Chargepoint card and account are necessary to activate the charging unit. No fee is associated with registering with Chargepoint for use of the RIT charging units.

Disabled & Neglected Vehicles

Disabled Vehicles

Anyone whose vehicle is temporarily disabled must contact the Parking and Transportation Office with your name, University ID number, vehicle description, nature of the problem, and vehicle location.

A Parking and Transportation Office officer will meet the driver at the vehicle, verify the problem, and issue a disabled vehicle tag. A vehicle is not considered disabled unless it bears an appropriate tag issued by Parking and Transportation Office.

The owner/operator has 24 hours to correct the problem or have the vehicle removed from campus. After this time period RIT reserves the right to have the vehicle towed at the owner/operator's expense. The Parking and Transportation Office reserves the right to request that the vehicle be moved immediately if it impedes traffic or is a safety hazard.

Neglected Vehicles

Inoperative or unlicensed vehicles parked on RIT property which have not moved for more than seven days are considered neglected and will be removed from campus at the owner/operator's expense. The owner/operator is responsible for any storage fees resulting from such towing.


Any illegally parked vehicle may be towed or booted at the owner/operators expense. This includes vehicles:

  • Parked in fire lanes or in accessible parking spaces without proper authorization.
  • Inhibiting the safe movement of buses, construction, or other vehicles.
  • Blocking snow removal or emergency operations.
  • With multiple citations for being unregistered on RIT properties will be towed or booted.

Towed or booted vehicles may not be claimed until the owner/operator has arranged payment for tow charges through the Parking Office. Vehicles are towed to an off-campus impound area and requires a release form from the Parking Office to be claimed.

Anyone claiming a towed vehicle is responsible for providing his/her own transportation to impound area. The owner/operator must pay any storage fees and sales tax incurred as a result of the towing.

RIT is not responsible for damage to vehicles as a result towing. The towing contractor is required to carry adequate insurance to cover any damage incurred during towing.

Event Parking Policy


This policy applies to all individuals who request event parking Monday- Friday between the hours of 8am and 4 pm during the Fall and Spring academic semesters when classes are in session on the RIT Henrietta campus.

Policy Statement

This policy provides a consistent approach for all event parking at the RIT Henrietta campus.   

Forty (40) visitor vehicles can be accommodated in general parking areas for events scheduled Monday – Friday between the hours of 8am and 4 pm during the Fall and Spring academic semesters when classes are in session.  Events, individually or cumulatively, expecting between forty-one (41) and two hundred (200) guest vehicles to campus will need to direct visitors to B Lot.  Events for over 200 guests are encouraged to be scheduled after 4 pm Monday – Friday or on weekends.  Event sponsors may elect to provide a chartered shuttle service for their visitors, or direct their visitors to utilize the complimentary campus shuttles to the appropriate shuttle stop destination.  The complimentary shuttles are the 2 Apex,  9 Apex/The Province, and the 11 Campus ShuttleEvent planners requesting chartered shuttle service will be directed to contact an approved RIT vendor to arrange specific services from B Lot to the event.


This policy is designed to preserve an appropriate number of general and reserved parking spaces for paid permit holders, while also supporting the use of RIT’s Henrietta campus for community, academic and other sponsored events.  While exceptions to this policy will include events such as Career Fairs, Accepted/Prospective Student Tour Days and Board of Trustee meetings, this policy generally protects those faculty, students and staff who pay an annual fee to park on campus. 

Any RIT sponsored event, class or meeting may request to reserve parking spaces through the RIT Events portal in advance of said event, class or meeting.  Upon receipt of the request, determination will be made by the Event Support Staff as to the number of spaces available at the requested time.  The Event Support Staff will respond to the requesting party with options for visitor parking.  Reservation of parking spaces for events shall be granted on a first-come, first-served basis.  


All events for which visitor parking passes are requested must register through RIT Events in advance of said event.

Visitor/guest parking e-permits will be issued on a first-come, first-served basis through RIT Events.

If more than 40 guest passes are already reserved on a given day, event parkers may be referred to B Lot (if capacity remains open) or the event organized may consider a different day for the on-campus event.

Event organizers may not assume parking will be available upon request.  Event organizers will be notified through RIT Events of parking options for the requested date and event. 

In the event of any question as to whether an event is an exception to this policy or priority of simultaneously scheduled events, review of the circumstances shall be conducted by a designated review committee to render a final decision.

Responsible Offices

The office of the Assistant Vice President for Facilities Management Services is the primary responsible office for this policy.  Parking procedures are maintained by the director of Parking and Transportation Services.  The review committee of exceptions shall initially consist of the Vice President of Development and Alumni Relations, Vice President and Associate Provost for Diversity and Inclusion, Vice President for Government and Community Relations and the Secretary of the Institute.