
  • February 7, 2024

    Jonathan Weissman is shown on the screen for Spectrum News with a chyron stating his name and role at RIT in front of him

    Raising awareness on Safer Internet Day 

    Spectrum News talks with Jonathan Weissman, principal lecturer in the Department of Cybersecurity, and Anthony Ioppolo, a fourth-year cybersecurity major, about Safer Internet Day and cybersecurity online.

  • February 7, 2024

    the KBS World Radio logo appears in blue and purple

    All about deepfake technology 

    South Korean international broadcasting station KBS World Radio talks about deepfakes with Matthew Wright, professor and chair of the Department of Cybersecurity. The interview, on the daily current affairs show Korea24, starts at 19 minutes and 50 seconds and ends around 40 minutes and 45 seconds.

  • February 5, 2024

    Three male tortoises engaged in aggressive behavior on the sand at the Charles Darwin Research Station.

    The Galapagos comes to life in new RIT Press book

    For more than 30 years, Robert Rothman has led hundreds of RIT students on tours to the Galápagos Islands to observe the wildlife and landscape that inspired Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection. Rothman’s A Paradise for Reptiles, an homage to the 19th century scientist, is an accessibly written guide for anyone interested in Darwin, the Galápagos, and reptiles in general.

  • February 2, 2024

    college student watching professor looking at a stack of wood lengthwise.

    Students lean into technology and design to improve the environment

    Students in Campus Ecology explored how culture, art, science, and design influence their views and understandings of nature. They also discussed how interdisciplinary collaboration and leaning into the intersection of technology, the arts, and design could improve communication and understanding of ecological concepts and sustainability goals.