Secure the Future. Leave a Lasting Legacy.


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Leave a lasting impact on RIT by making a legacy gift through a bequest intention or beneficiary designation. Your support ensures that future generations of students will have access to transformative education and groundbreaking opportunities. By including RIT in your estate plans, you are continuing your legacy while also enabling the continued success and innovation that defines RIT. 

Crafting a charitable gift from your estate is a profound yet straightforward method of giving back. With the input of an advisor, you can easily integrate language into your will or trust, designating a gift to RIT as part of your estate plans. This intentional act of remembering RIT in your will transcends the ordinary—it’s a transformative commitment, ensuring a lasting impact on the lives of future RIT students.

A comprehensive estate plan, however, goes beyond the basics of having a will and/or trust. It extends to your retirement accounts and life insurance policies as well, with regularly updated beneficiary designations. While it’s natural to prioritize your loved ones as beneficiaries, there’s also a meaningful opportunity to include RIT as a beneficiary. This thoughtful decision not only supports the university, but also leaves an enduring legacy, contributing to the continued growth and excellence of RIT.

Consider making a difference that lasts for generations – plan your legacy gift to RIT today.

To create a legacy of your own, please contact:

Hal Burrall and
Tamra Werner BS ’91, MM ’20, MS ’21
RIT Office of Planned Giving
585-475-3106 |

Email us

Shape today and tomorrow—your legacy, your impact.