
Joseph S. Baschnagel 


Baschnagel, J.S. & Bell, J.S.* (2023). Drinking to cope and coping strategies in Deaf/Hard of hearing college students. Addictive Behaviors, 136.

Reff, J.* & Baschnagel, J.S. (2021). The role of affective urgency and emotion regulation in vaping susceptibility. Addictive Behaviors Reports, 14.

Baschnagel, J.S. & Edlund, J.E. (2016). Affective modification of the startle eyeblink response during sexual and emotional infidelity scripts. Evolutionary Psychological Science, 2, 114-122 doi: 10.1007/s40806-016-0041-0

Baschnagel, J.S. (2013). Using Mobile Eye-Tracking to Assess Attention to Smoking Cues in a Naturalized Environment. Addictive Behaviors, 38, 2837-2840,  

Baschnagel, J. S., Coffey, S. F., Hawk, L. W., Jr., Schumacher, J. A., & Holloman, G. (2012). Psychophysiological Assessment of Emotional Processing in Patients With Borderline Personality Disorder With and Without Comorbid Substance Use. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment, 4, 203-213. doi: 10.1037/a0029777




Aita, M.*, Baschnagel, J.S., & Sutton, T.M. (2022, November). Pre-pulse Inhibition of Startle as a Predictor of Inattentional Blindness: The Role of Attentional Gating and Attention. Poster presented at the Psychonomic Society 63rd Annual Meeting, Boston, Mass.

Baschnagel, J.S., Godleski, S., Houston, R., & Alicea, R.* (2021, May). Locus of Control, Emotion Dysregulation, Stress and Health Behavior related to COVID19. Poster presented at the Association for Psychological Science 2021 virtual conference.

Gogos, E*. & Baschnagel, J.S. (2021, May). First Responders and Psychological Distress: Associations with Emotion Regulation and Coping Styles. Poster presented at the Association for Psychological Science 2021 virtual conference.

Bell, J.* & Baschnagel, J.S. (2021, May). The effects of a value-affirmation writing exercise on stress and craving for nicotine in electronic nicotine delivery system users. Poster presented at the Association for Psychological Science 2021 virtual conference.

Godleski, S., Baschnagel, J.S., Houston, R. Colton, K.* & Alicea, R.* (2021, April). The cascading impact of COVID-19 on parent drinking. Presented at the Society for Research in Child Development 2021 virtual conference.

Stephanie Godleski


Godleski, S.A., & Murray-Close, D. (2023). Assessment of Hostile Intent Attributions Across Escalating Conflict Stories. Aggressive Behavior, 49 (3), 249-260.

Colton, K., Godleski, S.A., & Crane, C.A. (2023). Applying a bifactor model to the functions of relational aggression: Influence of hostile attribution biases and emotion regulation skills. Aggressive Behavior, 49, 58-67. 

Godleski, S.A., Schuetze, P., Eiden, R.D., Nickerson, A.B., & Ostrov, J.M. (2022).  Developmental pathways from prenatal substance exposure to reactive aggression. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 83, 101474.

Ostrov, J.M., Perry, K., Eiden, R.D., Nickerson, A.B., Schuetze, P., Godleski, S.A., & Shisler, S.M. (2022). Development of bullying and victimization: An examination of risk and protective factors in a high-risk sample. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 37, 5958-5984.

Godleski, S.A., Harris, C.T., Fitzpatrick, K.M., & Kothari, A. (2022). Social and behavioral vulnerability, pregnancy, and negative mental health outcomes in the U.S. during the Covid-19 pandemic. AIMS Public Health, 9 (2), 331-341.

Schuetze, P., Godleski, S.A., & Sassaman, J. (2021). Prenatal opiate exposure and postnatal caregiving. Neurotoxicology and Teratology, 87, 107019.

Godleski, S.A., & Ostrov, J.M. (2020). Parental influences on child-report of relational social information processing during early childhood. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 192, 104775.

Godleski, S.A., Shisler, S., Eiden, R.D., & Schuetze, P. (2020). Maternal smoking and psychosocial functioning: Impact on subsequent breastfeeding practices. Breastfeeding Medicine, 15(4), 246-253.

Godleski, S.A., Eiden, R.E., Shisler, S., & Livingston, J.A. (2020). Parent socialization of emotion in a high-risk sample. Developmental Psychology, 56, 489-502. 

Godleski, S.A., Eiden, R.D., Kachadourian, L., & Lucke, J. (2019). Etiological pathways to rejection sensitivity in a high risk sample. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 45(5), 715-727. 



Godleski, S.A. (2023). Parent and child relational aggression: Examining risk and protection of parent-child interactions. Paper presented at the Society for Research on Child Development. Salt Lake City, UT.

Godleski, S.A., Schuetze, P., Eiden, R.D., Nickerson, A.B., & Ostrov, J.M. (2023). Developmental pathways from prenatal substance exposure to reactive aggression. Paper presented at the Society for Research on Child Development. Salt Lake City, UT.

Godleski, S.A., Dermen, K., Eiden, R.D., Feinberg, M., & Colder, C. (2022). Expecting couple-focused MI to address non-pregnant partner heavy drinking. Paper presented at the International Conference on Motivational Interviewing.

Godleski, S.A., Dermen, K., Feinberg, M., Colder, C., & Eiden, R.D. (2022). Couples intervention to promote co-parenting and reduce hazardous drinking during transition to parenthood. Paper presented at the Society for Prevention Research. Seattle, WA.

Godleski. S.A., & Eiden, R.D. (2020). Prenatal exposure to tobacco and cannabis: Relational and physical aggression in an at-risk sample. Poster presented at the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco. New Orleans, LA.




Godleski, S. Theoretical Perspectives to Studying the Development of Relational Aggression. The Development of Relational Aggression. Ed. Jamie M. Ostrov and Sarah Coyne. New York, NY: Oxford Press, 2018. 76-89.

Rebecca Houston


*Blose, B.A., Godleski, S.A., Houston, R.J., & Schenkel, L.S. (2022). The indirect effect of peritraumatic dissociation on the relationship between childhood maltreatment and schizotypy. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. Advance online publication.  

Houston, R.J. & Stanford, M.S. (2021).  Psychophysiological correlates of psychopathic disorders.  In A. Felthous & H. Sass (Eds.), International Handbook on Psychopathic Disorders and the Law, Second Edition. New York: Wiley-Blackwell, Chapter 14. 

*Levine, J.A., *Noyes, E.T., *Gius, B.K., *Ahlich, E., Rancourt, D., Houston, R.J., & Schlauch, R.C. (2019).  Development and psychometric evaluation of a brief Approach and Avoidance of Alcohol Questionnaire. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research43, 353-366doi: 10.1111/acer.13939 

Ge, Y., Zhao, G., *Zhang, Y., Houston, R.J. & *Song, J. (2019). A standardized database of Chinese emotional film clips. Cognition and Emotion, 33, 976-990. doi: 10.1080/02699931.2018.1530197 

Quigley, B.M., Houston, R.J., Antonius, D. & Leonard, K.E. (2018). Alcohol use moderates the relationship between symptoms of mental illness and aggression. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 32, 770-778. doi: 10.1037/adb0000390 

Houston, R.J. & Schlienz, N.J. (2018) Event-related potentials as an index of behavior change in substance use disorder treatment.  Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, 3, 30-40. doi:10.1016/j.bpsc.2017.09.006. 

Quigley, B.M., Levitt, A., Derrick, J.L., Testa, M., Houston, R.J. & Leonard, K.E. (2018).  Alcohol, self-regulation, and partner physical aggression: Actor-partner effects over a three year time frame. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 12, 1-11.  doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2018.00130 

*Pudane, M., Brooks, B.P., Houston, R.J., & Radin, M.A. (2018). Agent based model of anger contagion and its correlations with personality and interaction frequency. International Journal of Education and Informational Technologies, 12, 7-12. 

Bauer, L.O. & Houston, R.J. (2017).  The value of instability: An investigation of intra-subject variability in brain activity among obese adolescent girls.  International Journal of Obesity, 41, 1489-1495doi:10.1038/ijo.2017.144 

*Wan, J., Wu, C., *Zhang, Y., Houston, R.J., Chen, C.W., & Chanawangsa*, P. (2017). Drinking and driving at stop signs and red lights. Accident Analysis Prevention, 104, 10-17.




Houston, R.J. & Chung, S. (2023). Big five and specific facets of impulsivity predict online consumer behavior. Accepted for presentation at the 35th annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, Washington, DC.  

*Allaby, O. & Houston, R.J. (2023). Cognitive reserve questionnaires differentially related to age, executive functioning, and everyday memory. Accepted for presentation at the annual Eastern Psychological Association Meeting, Boston, MA. 

*Cohen, F. S., Houston, R. J., & Baschnagel J. S. (2023). Cluster B personality disorder symptoms are differentially related to emotion regulation difficulties. Accepted for presentation at the annual Eastern Psychological Association Meeting, Boston, MA. 

Horace, R. J. & Houston, R.J. (2023). Gender Differences in Relationships Between Moral Emotions and Trauma. Accepted for presentation at the annual Eastern Psychological Association Meeting, Boston, MA.  

*Ramkissoon, J.E. & Houston, R.J. (2023). Internet-related behaviors: Associations between facets of impulsivity, gender, and socioeconomic status. Accepted for presentation at the annual Eastern Psychological Association Meeting, Boston, MA.  



Houston, R. J., & Ceballos, N. A. (2013). Chapter 38. Human Neurophysiology: EEG and Quantitative EEG in Addiction Research. In Biological Research on Addiction. Elsevier Inc. Chapters.


Marjorie Prokosch


Prokosch, M., Smith, C., Kerry, N., & Von Meding, J. (2022). Too strong to care? Investigating the links between formidability, worldviews, and views on climate and disaster. Politics and the Life Sciences, 41(2), 200-231. doi:10.1017/pls.2022.20

Kerry, N., Prokosch, M. L., & Murray, D. R. (in press). The Holy Father (and Mother)? Multiple tests of the hypothesis that parenthood and parental care motivation lead to greater religiosity. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. doi:10.1177/01461672221076919

Mengelkoch, S., Gassen, J., Prokosch, M.L., Boehm, G. W., & Hill, S. E. (in press). More than just a pretty face? The relationship between immune function and perceived facial attractiveness. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2021.2476

Bradshaw, H. K., Gassen, J., Prokosch, M. L., Boehm, G. W., & Hill., S. E. (in press). Control over pathogen exposure and basal immunological activity influence disgust and pathogen-avoidance motivation. Cognition and Emotion.
doi: 10.1080/02699931.2022.2031905

Gassen, J., White, J. D., Peterman, J. L., Mengelkoch, S., Leyva, R. P. P., Prokosch, M. L., Eimerbrink, M. J., Brice, K., Cheek, D. J., Boehm, G. W., & Hill, S. E. (2021). Sex differences in the impact of childhood socioeconomic status on immune function. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 1–10. doi:10.1038/s41598-021-89413-y

Prokosch, M. L., Airington, Z., & Murray, D. R. (2021). Investigating the relationship between olfactory acuity, disgust, and mating strategies. Evolution and Human Behavior, 42(2), 113-120. doi: 10.1016/j.evolhumbehav.2020.08.002

Johnston, S., McKie, R. M., Levere, D., Russell, E. M., Prokosch, M. L., & Reissing, E. D. (2021). Normalizing gay and straight male friendships: A qualitative analysis of beliefs and attitudes in Canada and the United States. Men & Masculinities. 22(2), 277–287. doi:10.1037/men0000333

Tierney, W., Hardy, J. H., III., Ebersole, C. R., Viganola, D., Clemente, E. G., Gordon, M., Hoogeveen, S., Haaf, J., Dreber, A. , Johannesson, M., Pfeiffer, T., Huang, J. L., Vaughn, L. A., DeMarree, K.G., Igou, E., Chapman, H., Gantman, A., Vanaman, M., Wylie, J., Storbeck J., Andreychik, M. R., McPhetres, J., Culture and Work Morality Forecasting Collaboration, & Uhlmann, E. L. (2021). A creative destruction approach to replication: Implicit work and sex morality across cultures. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. (Member of Forecasting Collaboration). Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 93, 104060. doi: 10.1016/j.jesp.2020.104060

Murray, D. R., Moran, J. B., Prokosch, M. L., & Kerry, N. (2020). No evidence for a relationship between MHC heterozygosity and life history strategy in a sample of North American undergraduates. Scientific Reports, 10(1), 1-10. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-67406-7

Prokosch, M. L., Gassen, J., Ackerman, J. M., & Hill, S. E. (2019). Caution in the time of Cholera: Disease threats decrease risk tolerance. Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences. doi: 10.1037/ebs0000160

Gassen, J., Proffitt Leyva, R. P., Mengelkoch, S., White, J. D., Peterman, J. L., Prokosch, M. L., Bradshaw, H. K., Eimberbrink, M. J., Cheek., D. J., Boehm, G. W., & Hill, S. E. (2019). Day length predicts investment in human immune function: Shorter days yield greater investment. Psychoneuroendocrinology. doi: 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2019.05.011

Gassen, J., Prokosch, M.L., Eimerbrink, M., Proffitt Leyva, R.P., White, J., Peterman, J. L., Burgess, A., Cheek, D. J., Kreutzer, A., Nicolas, S.C., Boehm, G.W., & Hill, S.E. (2019). Inflammation predicts impulsivity and an inability to delay gratification. Scientific Reports, 9(1), 4928. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-41437-1

Gassen, J., Makhanova, A., Maner, J. K., Plant, E. A., Eckel, L. A., Nikonova, L., Prokosch, M. L., Boehm, G. W., & Hill, S. E. (2019). Experimentally-induced inflammation predicts present focus. Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology, 1-16. doi:10.1007/s40750-019-00110-7

Murray, D. R., Prokosch, M. L. , & Airington, Z. (2019). PsychoBehavioroImmunology: Connecting the behavioral immune system to Its physiological foundations. Frontiers in Psychology. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00200

Gassen, J., Prokosch, M. L., Makhanova, A., Eimerbrink, M., White, J. D., Proffitt Leyva, R.P., … Boehm., G. W., & Hill, S. E. (2018). Behavioral immune system activity predicts downregulation of chronic basal inflammation. PLoS One. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0203961