Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions
Welcome to the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) housing community. This document is part of the resident’s housing contract; it provides the terms and conditions for our community and defines the resident’s responsibility as a member of the community. By signing the housing contract and residing in RIT housing, the resident agrees to abide by the housing contract, this document, and all federal, state, and local laws, (available in RIT’s library, library.rit.edu) and University Policies (available at: https://www.rit.edu/academicaffairs/policiesmanual/).
Any resident found in violation of the Terms and Conditions of Housing or whose negligence causes damages to the facilities or harm to other members of the community may be subject to a student conduct hearing, Housing Selection privileges revoked, and/or additional fees. In addition, RIT Housing may terminate the resident’s housing contract with or without appropriate notice.
These terms supersede any and all prior Terms and Conditions of Housing. Upon reasonable notice, RIT Housing can modify the Terms and Conditions of Housing during the term of this agreement.
The modality of instruction, and the start and end dates for academic term instruction, on-campus housing, and dining, may vary from year to year. Variances will not alter rates.
The housing contract and the Terms and Conditions of Housing do not constitute a lease. They confer a limited and revocable license to occupy RIT housing. This license can be revoked by RIT Housing as provided in these Terms and Conditions of Housing.