Benefits Plan Summaries and Legal Notifications

Summary Plan Descriptions (SPD's)

Additional Plan Summaries

The Education Benefits Summary includes details on the following programs: 

  • Tuition Waiver
  • Tuition Assistance
  • Tuition Exchange
  • Tuition Scholarship
  • Talent Development

Time off Summary includes details on: Vacation, Holidays and Reduced Schedule. 

Sick Leave Summary

Summary of Material Modifications (SMM)

Summary Annual Reports

Each year, RIT is required by law to make Summary Annual Reports (SARs) available to its benefit plan participants. The report provides information on the benefits we have reported to the Federal Government.

These are legally-required notices; no action is required. Your receipt or review of this Summary does not mean you are eligible for or participating in these benefit plans. You must first meet the eligibility requirements outlined in the Summary Plan Description (SPD) for each Plan and be enrolled, if applicable.

The following are the links for individual reports:

Legally Required Notifications

Notice about your rights and your eligible family member’s rights to continue health care coverage.

Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) Notice
Information about the opportunity available for group health plans premium assistance under state Medicaid or CHIP in the state in which you reside.

Women's Health and Cancer Rights Act of 1998
Information regarding coverage for mastectomies under the group health plan.

Medicare Notice of Creditable Coverage
If enrolled in RIT’s POS A, POS B, POS D or Blue PPO medical plan and eligible for Medicare Part B, notice stating that the medical plan’s prescription drug coverage is, on average, at least as good as standard prescription drug coverage under Medicare Part D.

Medicare Notice of Non-Creditable Coverage
If enrolled in RIT’s POS B No Drug medical plan and eligible for Medicare Part B, notice stating that the medical plan’s prescription drug coverage is not, on average, at least as good as standard prescription drug coverage under Medicare Part D (you could have a late enrollment penalty if you do not have creditable prescription drug coverage.)

Notice of Special Enrollment Rights 
Information about your right to apply for medical coverage. 

Notice of Privacy Practices 
Information about how some of RIT's employee benefit plans may use and disclose Protected Health Information.

Insurance Marketplace Notice
Information about purchasing medical coverage in the Health Insurance Marketplace.

Patient Protection Disclosure 
Information about designating a Primary Care Provider.