Launch it! Make Your Own Catapult with Women in Technology
Participants will build and test a small catapult launcher made of familiar household items like popsicle sticks and rubber bands. After constructing the catapult, participants can launch a variety of small objects (marshmallows, soft foam blocks, etc.) and measure the distance, identify design issues, and make small modifications to their catapult. This hands-on activity will provide participants with an opportunity to apply engineering principles. The exhibit will be hosted and run by members of Women in Technology. Our WIT program is dedicated and committed to creating platforms that energize, expand representation and strive to propel the success and advancement of students in the College of Engineering Technology and beyond. RIT's Women In Technology program is open to all students, regardless of gender.
Leah Mackin
Melissa Aponte
Malena Juif
Casey Kuhner
Hannah Robinson
Sophia Adams
Anika Khanam
Mallory Cooper
Leah Mackin, Ashley Dulac, Melissa Aponte
Women in Technology (WIT) is run out of the College of Engineering Technology Dean's Office
Thank you to all of our sponsors!