Spanish for Science and Technology


Liberal Arts Hall - LBR 1251

Experience how Spanish for Science and Technology comes alive through interviews with faculty, staff, and students at RIT in this interactive presentation on our accessible curricular material development project. Test out the materials with cooperative language-learning games and challenges for all ages. Discover how the materials will be piloted in the Applied Modern Language and Culture (AMLC) program and share your feedback for the implementation phase of the project. Curricular materials developed with support from RIT's Modern Language Technology Center (MLTC) and "Language for STEAM: Developing Language Instructional Materials for Science, Technology, and Arts" U.S. Department of Education International Research and Studies Grant, PI Professor Zhong Chen, from the U.S. Department of Education for the development of new materials and curricula for Chinese, Italian, and Spanish courses that focus on STEAM. This exhibit is suitable for all ages and for attendees with or without Spanish language knowledge.


Liberal Arts Hall - LBR 1251


Sara Armengot
Derek Valencia
Godys Armengot-Mejia
Maria Lukowiak
Alexander Lee

Part of a larger project supported by the International Research and Studies program of the U.S. Department of Education:

Thank you to all of our sponsors!