Vocal Accent


James E. Booth Hall - Webb Auditorium

Vocal Accent is a soprano-alto A Cappella group at Rochester Institute of Technology. A diverse group of talented young singers, Vocal Accent delves deep into the realm of a cappella with a repertoire of strong, empowering, and emotionally charged music. Though still young and finding their niche, the group, rooted in rock and soul with modern pop highlights, is establishing itself as a company of serious musicians working to both continue and build upon the a cappella movement sweeping the modern era. Still keeping it entertaining and exciting, these captivating singers are a joy to watch, as they each intangibly meld their hearts in their voices and continue to break the boundaries of contemporary music.

Vocal Accent logo.

Vocal Accent performing in black and white clothing

Vocal Accent performing on stage!

Vocal Accent in demin jackets holding up hands to symbol VA

Vocal Accent holding up their iconic hand symbol!

Vocal Accent outside in flowy earth-toned clothing

Vocal Accent outside filming a music video!


James E. Booth Hall - Webb Auditorium


Celine Cammarere

We are a part of A Cappella Council

Exhibit Website

Thank you to all of our sponsors!