
  • November 15, 2018

    logo for RIT intersections: the RIT podcast.

    Podcast: Cartoonist in Residence Leigh Rubin 

    Intersections: The RIT Podcast, Ep. 3: Associate Professor of Comic Studies Dan Worden talks with RIT visiting cartoonist in residence, Leigh Rubin, the creator of Rubes, about his path from advertising arts major to internationally syndicated cartoonist.

  • September 27, 2018

    Brandon Hudson stands in a suit with purple lighting on him, speaking about his business at the competition.

    Company led by RIT student wins $250,000

    Brandon Hudson, a fourth-year applied arts and sciences major and CEO of Connexus, won $250,000 at the 76West Clean Energy Competition. Connexus is a heating and cooling control and monitoring company based in RIT’s Venture Creations technology business incubator.
  • September 26, 2018

    An artistic rendition of Leigh Rubin, the left half of the image looking to be illustrated while the other half looks like a normal photo. The split between illustration and real-image falls across the middle of Rubin's face.

    ‘Rubes’ creator named RIT’s first cartoonist-in-residence

    Syndicated cartoonist Leigh Rubin, the creator of Rubes, has been named the first cartoonist-in-residence at Rochester Institute of Technology and will meet with students in RIT’s College of Art and Design, School of Individualized Studies and College of Liberal Arts.
  • September 26, 2018

    A group of people gathered on a short foot-bridge leading into REDCOM Laboratories.

    RIT, alumni honor REDCOM milestone anniversary

    Saunders College of Business is honored to recognize the 40th anniversary of REDCOM Laboratories Inc., a local communications company with many ties to RIT. More than 30 percent of the employees at REDCOM—including the founders and several members of the leadership team—are graduates of RIT.
  • September 13, 2018

    Austin McChord, David Muson and Brandon Hudson stand together for a photo.

    RIT helps students take an entrepreneurial gap year

    Brandon Hudson is the first student selected for the Gap Year Entrepreneurship Fellows Program, which allows students with an ongoing enterprise to take a year to focus their full attention on the venture. He will receive $15,000 in support and mentoring while also making progress on his RIT degree.
  • August 6, 2018

    A photo of a tiger laying down in the grass.

    RIT sponsors tiger exhibit at Seneca Park Zoo

    RIT is sharing its tiger pride by sponsoring the tiger exhibit at the Seneca Park Zoo. It’s the latest collaboration between RIT and the zoo, which last year signed a formal memorandum of understanding to develop, promote and implement mutually beneficial projects.
  • August 6, 2018

    Brynjar and Brianna pose for a photo shortly after getting engaged. Brynjar holds his fist up in their air, seemingly in triumph.

    Not quite love at first sight for RIT couple

    Brianna Schlitt ’11, ’13 and Brynjar Leifsson ’11, ’13 thought it was love at first sight when they met on the RIT campus in 2009. But they later learned they had attended the same elementary school, shared some of the same teachers and even ate lunch together there.