RIT Alumni

Book Loans

Alumni may borrow books from Wallace Library for a book loan period of 6 weeks with 3 renewals. See details on our Borrow and Renew page

Freely Accessible Databases

NOVELNY (New York State Residents)
Alumni who are residents of New York State can also access a suite of databases via NOVELNY - the New York Online Virtual Electronic Library. You need only your public library card or NY Driver's License or photo ID to log in. Topic areas covered include business, general reference, health & medicine, history and science. Browse a complete list of NOVELNY resources.

SAGE Journals Online
Academic journals from varying disciplines including Health Sciences, Life & Biomedical Sciences, Materials Science & Engineering, and the Social Sciences & Humanities. Click here to access SAGE Journals Online.

Project MUSE
Full-text access to over 600 high quality, peer reviewed journals from leading scholarly publishers primarily in the humanities and social sciences. Project MUSE allows for Alumni Access.  Click here to access Project MUSE with an RIT Alumni email account.

Your Library Account

All that is needed is an alumni RIT ID card (available from the Registrar's office).

Use your account to renew library books online!

Your account expires each year and can be renewed by presenting your alumni RIT ID at the Library Services Desk.

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