Advice for those returning from travel

As we all grapple with changes to our daily lives from the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic, we ask those concerned that they may have been exposed to the virus through travel or personal contact to use an abundance of caution. This caution is necessary to keep yourself healthy, and even more importantly, to protect those in our community who may be medically vulnerable.

Quarantine is strongly recommended by the CDC if you are returning from a Level 3 designated area or if you have had known direct contact with a person diagnosed with COVID-19. Level 3 designated countries can be found on the CDC website. Travel to areas within the United States where high numbers of cases have been diagnosed may also warrant quarantine. Check with your local health department.

We are following these guidelines for students, staff, and faculty that have recently returned from travel.

The CDC also recommends that if you are returning from any sort of travel that you employ safe practices. This includes social distancing (avoiding large gatherings, keeping 6 feet apart from others), thoroughly washing hands with soap and water, coughing into your elbow or a disposable tissue and avoiding touching your face.

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