Osher at RIT to offer online classes for 50-plus learners

Instruction for Osher’s spring quarter moves online during coronavirus outbreak

Thinkers ages 50 and beyond are trying out online education this spring at Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Rochester Institute of Technology.

In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, Osher at RIT cancelled all in-person classes for its spring term. In order to continue its programing, the Osher Council decided to offer classes online using the Zoom video/audio conferencing system.

“All this came together in less than four weeks, which I think is rather impressive given the age group of our members,” said Mary Bistrovich, program administrator with RIT Government and Community Relations who is helping Osher move online. “In this era of self-isolation, it is even more important to have some semblance of normalcy, and we are pleased to provide it through our program.”

In the last few weeks, Osher leaders trained course instructors who volunteered to take the leap to online instruction. The group then held training sessions for 400 members registered to take online courses. Osher member Bill Brown also created a Zoom resource website.

“It is a lot of work, but so rewarding,” Bistrovich said. “Especially when we see how happy everyone is when they are ‘together’ with their Osher friends again.”

Starting April 13, Osher at RIT began offering 30 courses online. Some of the offerings this term, include a history lesson on the Black Death, how to master the elements of storytelling and a course on intermediate Spanish. The full revised spring catalogue is now online.

Osher member Tom Low is excited to lead a course that covers skeptical essays of the 18th century thinker David Hume.

“My excitement comes from the fact that I’ll be able to teach my class at all, in a format that allows me to handle real-time discussion,” said Low.

The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at RIT is a member-led organization that offers a wide variety of academic, cultural and social programs and activities to enrich and inspire adult learners age 50 and older. More information about full Osher at RIT membership and benefits can be found at rit.edu/osher.

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