Welcome Message from Provost Granberg

Welcome back! I am looking forward to resuming spring semester even though it is under circumstances none of us could have imagined. The weeks ahead will be challenging, not only in the teaching and learning environment, but in your personal lives as well. Please know that the faculty and staff are here to assist you as we navigate this new educational path together.

Students: You are all smart, capable, talented young adults. These traits will serve you well as you resume classes in a way that is vastly different from the way they started in January. I am confident you will use your creative energy and problem-solving skills to successfully navigate this different learning environment and most likely, teach us a few things along the way. Here’s how you can start this new journey:

  • Check myCourses for information on each of your courses.
  • Explore resources to help you manage the online environment.
  • Check in with your faculty and your academic advisor via phone or email to reconnect.
  • Ask for help when you need it.  Student support resources such as tutoring are available and you are encouraged to use them.
  • Communicate with your faculty or your academic advisor any challenges that you may be facing – technology, books, etc. – so that we can help you resolve them and be successful.

Faculty: I applaud the way in which you have embraced this transition. I have never been more proud of your work to help our students achieve their goals and earn their degrees. There are many resources and people available to help you deliver high quality instruction that allows your students to meet their learning objectives. They include:

  • Your associate deans and department chairs. They will continue to support you as you implement the strategies you have developed to teach your courses.

Staff: I am grateful for your can-do attitude and continuing commitment to our students.  As the semester resumes, your work is more important than ever. You are very often the first to know what is happening within the RIT community. Continue to do the great work you do and know that you are valued and supported.

  • Stay in contact with your students and faculty. Help them resolve their challenges quickly whenever possible and know the resources available to help them be successful.
  • Stay in contact with your co-workers and friends. Working remotely is different – work to stay in touch and maintain your relationships. Maintain a schedule that allows you to balance work and personal life.

Ongoing Updates: The Academic Continuity team and I will keep you informed as we work together to transition RIT’s courses to alternative deliver modes over the next few weeks. 

  • Stay informed by visiting https://www.rit.edu/coronavirus daily for university updates.
  • Look for a daily digest from Academic Affairs focused on academics.
  • Get answers to your questions by calling the RIT call center at 585-475-3500 or 1-833-323-0002 between the hours of 9 a.m. – 9 p.m. EST or emailing coronavirusresponse@rit.edu.

I look forward to the rest of this semester and the great things we as a team can accomplish. Remember to look out for each other and to be kind to yourself – this is new territory for all of us. We are in this together and I have great confidence in the Academic Affairs team as we embark on this new educational journey.


Ellen Granberg, Ph.D.
Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs

(A sign language interpreted version of this message is available on YouTube.)


A frame from the embedded video, with a play button over the image.

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