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Using a Tablet PC and C-Print to Support Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students

Supported by: 

U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, Steppingstones of Technology Innovation for Students with Disabilities, Phase I

Project Description: 

This project adapted use of tablet PC technology and piloted the technology to support deaf and hard-of-hearing students in middle and high school classes with a particular emphasis on STEM classes (science, technology, engineering, & math) in two different ways:

  1. Real-time notetaking in which the student views notetaker’s notes as they are being created (instead of viewing after class). The student can to add to the notes as they are being created as well. And,
  2. Integration of captioning with graphics such as charts, illustrations, or other non-text information.
Project Activities: 
  • Field trials of real-time notetaking with tablets and notetaking software
  • Field trials of captioning support service with graphics with C-Print Pro Tablet software
  • Developing C-Print Pro Tablet software
  • Creating training guide for service providers for real-time notetaking
  • Producing user guides for students
  • Interviewing students, teachers, and service providers about the new technology