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 In America 
 May 5 Sun,2002

 May 6 Mon,2002

 May 7 Tue,2002

 May 8 Wed,2002

 May 9 Thu,2002

 May 10 Fri,2002     

 May 11 Sat,2002

 May 12 Sun,2002

 Take a walk in the park, the performance of Peter Pan, the Welcome Reception.
 May 5 Sun,2002

 We took a walk in the park near the hotel in the morning.
 The blue sky and green trees, flowers, rivers, wild squirrels, birds …All things moved me.
 I stored them in the camera.
 In the afternoon, we saw the performance of Peter Pan which used full-scale stage settings and stage props.
 Feeling was contained in the performance. Expression was also large, I was fascinated by it.
 But I could not conquer sleepiness from jet lag and I fell into a nap on the way. It was regrettable.
 In Welcome Reception, I talked with the girls from Asia. For me, the first conversation using ASL in the U.S.
 I actually felt my ability of English (ASL) was still insufficient.

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 Office Welcome, NTID campus tour, the presentation.
 May 6 Mon,2002

 In Office Welcome, we received a welcome from Dean Hurwitz and the teachers of the NTID.
 Then, inspection of the NTID campus was carried out.
 No less than 62 personal computers were installed in the learning center.
 We inspected various labs, such as machine works, sign language self-teaching, CAD,
 and lens manufacture process.  The apparatus equipment for sign language self-teaching
 and the lens manufacture process, etc. were impressive for me.
 In the evening, when my turn for the presentation came, I was very tense.
 I saw the haiku poem of the students of NTID, dancing of the students of TUT
 and I thought that they had a rich power of expression which Japanese people do not have.

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 NTID campus tour, shopping in mall.
 May 7 Tue,2002

 We inspected the Web design classes, and IT classes in which students' independence was employed efficiently
 in the morning.  In the afternoon, we looked around the library, Students Administration of Union,
 and the activity scenery in a gymnasium, etc.
 I have the impression that the equipment of the gymnasium was good.
 We went to a mall and had shopping time in the evening.
 It had passed over time in an instant.
 I was surprised at the limousine which carried us to the hotel from the shopping mall.

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 NTID campus tour, the dorm tour.
 May 8 Wed,2002

 In inspection of Micro E Lab, I felt the precision of work in the slogan, "one hair of hair must not be dropped."
 The building was also contrived in order to suppress the vibration in case of an earthquake.
 I studied some things from the inspection of a dormitory.
 First, they have the blue lamps in case danger extends to the bodies, such as rape.
 The police will come as soon as someone push the button of the lamp. (There was the first deaf policeman.)
 Second were surveillance cameras. Thanks to them the theft also decreased.
 When the theft was found, he would be sued. It is severe!!
 Third, there are underground passages, like a maze, provided for the severe winter.
 Many busy artworks were drawn on the walls of the passage.
 The dormitory looked like an apartment, some differences in TCT of inner structure were;
 that there is no kitchen, that a shower is in a single room, and an outsider can be lodged there for three nights.

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 TV conference, The visits in Rochester.
 May 9 Thu,2002

 Some TCT students participated in a TV conference. Teachers and the students were seen over TV,
 and I was glad to see them and felt anew that the world was connected.
 In the Strong Museum, I saw many adorable children. They were really cute!!
 Although it was a museum for children, I was able to enjoy looking at the surroundings.
 In High Falls, nature in U.S. is really wonderful !! I can settle down by seeing it.
 In Eastman Kodak House, it is said that there was a stuffed head of a real elephant before. It is fearful.
 The legs of an elephant, a hippo, and a deer were left behind as ashtrays now.
 It was the place where the thought of Eastman to his mother is felt.

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 The visit Genesee Country Museum,Student Clubs Party.
 May 10 Fri,2002

 We went to Genesee Country Museum in the morning, which had feelings of the history of the farmhouse
 in the United States. There were some houses which showed weaving, the manufacture process of a gun, etc.
 And there are houses, buildings, etc. which remain with ancient times. A pasture, a baseball field etc.
 Although there was a strong wind, I touched nature and it was very pleasant!!
 At Night, NTID Student Clubs Party was held by NTID and RIT students.
 Asia Deaf Club and Hispanic Deaf Club entertained us.
 We, TCT students showed the "Mikagura", but its tempo wasn't correct.
 I was really able to spent a pleasant exchanging time !!
 Then I was surprised at the temporary amusement park. It was pleasant anyhow !!

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 The sightseeing at Niagara Falls, Hard Rock Cafe, watching the Baseball game.
 May 11 Sat,2002

 I was impressed by the magnificence of Niagara Falls.
 The rainbow could be seen clearly. Canada was immediately visible there.
 "This is Niagara Falls." It was beautiful anyhow !!
 The lunch was taken in Hard Rock Cafe. There were various musical collections.
 "This is the well-known Hard Rock Cafe…" The hamburger is big, and delicious.
 My hobby is watching sport games. Honestly I was glad to watch the baseball games.
 But I couldn't watch the baseball game intensively... I felt the atmosphere of baseball in the U.S.
 I was able to spent a delightful day !!!

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 Good-bye... America, American friends, Chinese friends...
 May 12 Sun,2002

 We were separating from the ground of the United States today.
 We were separating from the students of TUT at CHICAGO airport. I missed them.
 Although the languages of the students of TUT and the students of NTID differs from ours,
 I was able to communicate somehow with both sides. I was glad. But I wanted to talk with them more...
 I have not mastered ASL yet. So I wanted to memorize it more after this.
 This travel was really pleasant for me to spend full days meeting with the students of TUT and NTID, RIT,
 touring in NTID, the sightseeing in the United States, etc.
 I took a lot of photographs and got a great deal of memories.
 I wish that the relationship with the students whom I met in this travel will continue from now on.

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