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 In Japan 

 April 30 Tue,2002

 May 1 Wed,2002

 May 2 Thu,2002

 May 3 Fri, 2002

 May 4 Sat,2002

 The goodwill ambassador visits to Japan from TUT, in China.
 April 30 Tue,2002

 The activity as a goodwill ambassador began in the afternoon.
 Since I received Chinese people for the first time,
 I was a little bit uneasy whether I can communicate with them well.
 We greeted Chinese people, and when I actually met and talked,
 I was able to communicate with them using kanji and some easy English words.
 I finished the 1st day with expectation and anxiety for the activity over two weeks after this.

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 Visit of Japan Foundation (The Nippon Foundation of Japan), Asakusa, Tokyo Tower.
 May 1 Wed,2002

 We went to Asakusa in the morning. I myself went there for the first time.
 Although it seemed that the students of TUT were interested in all things there,
 they bought nothing since goods were expensive.
 We took lunch in Toranomon Pastoral. But as I have a poor appetite,
 I didn't eat much. After lunch, we visited Tokyo Tower.
 Although the weather was cloudy and the view was not good,
 I think that the students of TUT were able to know the rows of buildings of Tokyo.
 The visit of Japan Foundation (The Nippon Foundation of Japan) made me tense anyhow.
 I felt like I was out of place. I wondered why I was there.

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 The welcome party for the goodwill ambassadors from TUT.
 May 2 Thu,2002

 In the daytime we, the goodwill ambassadors of TCT attended the classes as usual.
 In the evening, we held a welcome party for the goodwill ambassadors from TUT which we planned before.
 I acted as the emcee and introduced some signs of China to participants first.
 We greeted the students of TUT and toasted each other, and went into the talk time taking a meal.
 As far as I could see it seemed they enjoyed meeting the students of TCT.
 Then, the students of TUT showed Chinese traditional dancing.
 The feeling was contained in the dance. It was beautiful, and I was fascinated by it.
 We finished the party safely. It was very good!!

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 Visit of NASDA, The tea ceremony.
 May 3 Fri,2002

 We visited the Tsukuba Space Center (NASDA) in the morning.
 We were given an explanation about various satellite and rockets there. But my mind worked slowly.
 I remember that I was surprised to hear that a space suit had no less than 140kg!?
 We ate Chinese food for lunch. The students of TUT said, "It is the same taste as China".
 In the afternoon, we held a tea ceremony for Chinese people.
 All of the Japanese students put the kimono on and Ms. Tanaka made a bowl of tea before the guests
 and I watched from in back of her.
 Although she said, "I made a mistake in turn" after finishing, she seemed to make tea calmly from me.
 I think it was good that we could show them the traditional tea ceremony of Japan.

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 We left for the United States at last.
 May 4 Sat,2002

 We left TCT at 10:00 and left Narita for the United States at 14:20.
 The wonderful and beautiful setting sun appeared in the inside of the plane, and I was impressed.
 We arrived at the Chicago airport before 12:00 on the 4th, U.S. time. I didn't sleep enough in the plane.
 We changed the airplane and reached Rochester at 16:00.
 The first coming to United States for me!!
 While I looked at the scene from the bus which goes to a hotel,
 I said to myself "This is U.S. I looked like one scene of a movie." and the breath was exciting.

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