Pfaudler Lecture Series: A Late-Night Craving, A Night in Jail, and Herb's City Trumpets: An Unbelievable Chain of Events

  Thursday, September 14, 2023 12:15 PM - Thursday, September 14, 2023 1:30 PM
 HYBRID: Room 3/4 & Zoom

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Presented by Herb Smith, RPO Classical Trumpeter, Jazz and Reggae Musician, Music Educator

In 2019, Herb Smith went to pick up a food order and parked illegally in a parking lot. Words were exchanged with the owner, and, ultimately, he was arrested for harassment. While meditating in a cell amongst young black men, Herb's City Trumpets emerged. Affiliated with ROCmusic, Herb's City Trumpets mentors black youth 12- to 18-years old and exists because of this one fateful incident. Adversity turns to promise!