Membership Benefits

Discover What’s Included in Your Membership

Our dual-track program allows you to participate in OLLI classes and events (in person or online), and/or you can take advantage of auditing RIT undergraduate classes (in person or online), plus other university benefits.

OLLI Campus Benefits

On the OLLI campus, Single-Term and Full-Year members can do the following:

RIT Campus Privileges

Audit Undergraduate Courses on the RIT Campus...for FREE!

Full-Year OLLI members can audit up to two eligible* RIT undergraduate courses per semester for free as part of your membership (but you do not earn college credits). 

For the general public, the cost of auditing a 3-credit course at RIT is more than $3,000 so this is an amazing member benefit! 

See the document Auditing RIT Undergraduate Courses How-To Guide on our Resources page.

Get an RIT University Identification Number and Card for Additional Campus Benefits

Full-Year members can take advantage of the following RIT benefits:

  • Auditing eligible* undergraduate classes
  • A free Henrietta BJ’s Wholesale Club membership
  • Student admission rates for RIT campus events
  • Borrowing privileges at the RIT library (physical and digital assets)
  • Access to campus fitness facilities at a reduced rate
  • State-of-the-art hearing evaluation and hearing aid purchase through RIT’s National Technical Institute for the Deaf (NTID). For more information, go to the Audiology website.

See the document RIT University ID Card/Number Instructions on our Resources page. You must join OLLI as a Full-Year member to receive an ID number and card.

*NTID courses, recreation classes, and courses that are full, have a waitlist, and/or have associated labs/studios are not eligible for auditing. Courses with pre-requisites require pre-approval from the instructor. Courses with interpreters vary per semester. Wellness courses require additional fees.

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