Fall 2023 Open House and Course Preview

Monday, August 28
10 a.m.
In-Person or via Zoom
Join us to enjoy the back-to-school season and take Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) classes and/or audit RIT undergraduate classes!
OLLI Courses
We're excited to be offering 73 courses beginning on 9/11—54 offered by our own OLLI, 8 from the OLLI at Chico State, and 10 from the OLLI at the University of Arizona. And, thanks to time zone differences we are now able to offer you late afternoon and evening classes! In addition to these exciting programs we also, as always, have an awesome slate of Pfaudler Lectures to enjoy on Thursday afternoons. Check out the Fall 2023 course catalog. Registration opens 8/29 at 10 a.m.
RIT Undergraduate Courses
Full-Year members can audit eligible* RIT undergraduate courses for free as part of your membership (but you do not earn college credits). The cost of auditing just one 3-credit course at RIT is $750+ so this is an amazing Osher member benefit! Fall semester courses start on 8/28. Registration opens 8/14 and closes 9/5.
Join us to find out more!
The meeting will be in the hybrid format so you can attend in person at the Osher building: 50 Fairwood Dr., Suite 100, 14623
Get directions to Osher
OR join via Zoom
Join Meeting: https://rit.zoom.us/j/98011939808?pwd=blExeGllVkRwOHVacDhkSVBxSlVjQT09
Meeting ID: 980 1193 9808
Passcode: 774032