
Don Figer

Don Figer

Director, Future Photon Initiative
Director, Center for Detectors

Engage with Us

(585) 475-4106

Future Photon Initiative
Building 17, Room 3113
74 Lomb Memorial Drive
Rochester, NY 14623-5604

Visit Us

Visiting from off campus?

We are located in the Engineering Hall on RIT's campus.

  1. Once you have visited the welcome center and received a visitor parking pass, park in "Lot J".
  2. From "Lot J" go straight until you see the "IT Collaboratory" sign on building 17, or Engineering Hall. The Future Photon Initiative is listed on the entrance. 
  3. Once inside the building, take the stairs to your immediate left to the 3rd floor. 

Visiting from campus?

We are located in the Engineering Hall (building 17) on RIT's campus.

  1. Our office is located on the 3rd floor, the most common entrance is from the side door adjacent to Golisano Hall.
  2. From there, take the stairs to your right and go straight. 
  3. You can also search for the IT Collaboratory on the RIT interactive map to find our space.