

Gallagher, J. P., Buntic, L., Deng, W., Fossum, E. R., and Figer, D. F. 2024, Radiation tolerance of a single-photon counting complementary metal-oxide semiconductor image sensor, J. Astron. Telesc. Instrum. Syst. 10(3), 036003, doi: 10.1117/1.JATIS.10.3.036003, 24 September 2024.

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Hersom, H. J., and Zwickl, B. M. 2024, Investigating Students' Understanding of Entanglement, PER-Central, 5 September 2024.

Buntic, L., Figer, D. F., Gallagher, J. P., and Alexani, E. 2024 Advancing large format MCT/Si infrared detectors for astrophysics research, Proceedings Volume 13103, X-Ray, Optical, and Infrared Detectors for Astronomy XI; 1310306, Yokohama, Japan,, 27 August 2024.

Gallagher, J. P., Buntic, L., Alexani, E., Bouthsarath, K., and Figer, D. F. 2024, Characterizing radiation-tolerant single photon resolving CMOS detectors, Proceedings Volume 13103, X-Ray, Optical, and Infrared Detectors for Astronomy XI; 131030S, Yokohama, Japan,, 27 August 2024.


Upendra, R. R., Wentz, B. J., Simon, R., Shontz, S. M., and Linte, C. A. 2023, CNN-Based Cardiac Motion Extraction to Generate Deformable Geometric Left Ventricle Myocardial Models from Cine MRI, Springer Nature Switzerland, LNCS 12738, pp. 253–263, 30 December 2023.

Fedoseyev, A., Herasimenka, S., Sarkisov, S., Bogner, B., Polly, S., and Hubbard, S. 2023, Improving 3-Junction and 2-Junction solar cell efficiency by down-converting solar UV light to visible, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2675 012013, 26 December 2023.

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Shrestha, P., Amgain, S., Khanal, B., Linte, C. A., Bhattarai, B. 2023, Medical Vision Language Pretraining: A survey, Computer Vision and Pattern recognition, arXiv:2312.06224v1, 11 Dec 2023.

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Feng, T., Chen, G., Han, H., and Qiao, J. 2022, Femtosecond-Laser-Ablation Dynamics in Silicon Revealed by Transient Reflectivity Change, Micromachines, 13(1):14. 03 January 2022


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Butler, Victoria, Feder, Richard M., Daylan, Tansu, Mantz, Adam B., Mercado, Dale, Montana, Alfredo, Portillo, Stephen K. N., Sayers, Jack, Vaughan, Benjamin J., Zemcov, Michael, and Zitrin, Adi 2021, Measurement of the Relativistic Sunyaev-Zeldovich Corrections in RX J1347.5-1145, eprint arXiv:2110.13932, 26 Oct 2021.

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