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Preble, Stefan 2024, Quantum integrated photonics chips and packaging, Proceedings Volume PC13028, Quantum Information Science, Sensing, and Computation XVI; PC130280F, National Harbor, MD,, 10 June 2024.

Sundaram, V. S. S., Monteleone III, J., Fittos, Fittos., van Niekerk, M., Ciminelli, M., Leake, G., Coleman, D., Fanto, M., Howland, G., and Preble, S. 2024, Multi-photon-pair production in packaged, foundry-fabricated, silicon waveguide spirals, Proceedings Volume 13028, Quantum Information Science, Sensing, and Computation XVI; 130280G, National Harbor, MD, 7 June 2024.

Evan Manfreda-Schulz, Venkatesh Deenadayalan, Mario Ciminelli, Thomas Palone, Stefan F. Preble, Gregory A. Howland
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Deenadayalan V., Preble S., Howland G., Schulz E., Scalzi K., Alsing P., Asagodu P., Barton N., Brownell A., Craft C., Fanto M., Hucul D., Klug A., Macalik M., Percevault G., Porto N., Rizzo A., Schneeloch J., Sheridan E., Sundaram V., Smith A., Smith Z., Tison C., and Soderberg K. 2024,  Progress Towards Trapping and Cooling of Barium-133, 55th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, Fort Worth, Texas, 6 June 2024.


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Harris, Jerry D., Wade, Emily A., Elison, Emmaline G., Pena, Cecelia C., Hubbard, Seth M., et al. 2022, Zinc-Acetate-Amine Complexes as Precursors to ZnO and the Effect of the Amine on Nanoparticle Morphology, Size, and Photocatalytic Activity, MDPI, Structured Semiconductors in Photocatalysis, Volume 12, Issue 10, Pages: 1099. 23 September 2022.

Verostek, Michael, Griston, Molly, Botello, Jesus, and Zwickl, Benjamin M. 2022, Making expert cognitive processes visible: planning and preliminary analysis in theoretical physics research, Physics Education Research Conference NSF: 10409048. 22 September 2022

Flores, Mark, Verchimak, Rebecca, Zohrabi Alaee, Dina, and Zwickl, Benjamin M. 2022, Factors influencing help seeking and help avoidant behaviors among physics and life science majors, Physics Education Research Conference, NSF: 1049047. 22 September 2022

Polly, Stephen, Bogner, Brandon, Fedorenko, Anastasiia, Pokharel, Nikhil, and Hubbard, Seth M. 2022, Growth Optimization of InGaP/GaAs Dual Junction Solar Cells With Quantum Wells and a Distributed Bragg Reflector, Cell Reports Physical Science. 14 September 2022


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Owens, Lindsay M., Zwickl, Benjamin M., Franklin, Scott V., Miller, Casey W., 2020 "Physics GRE Requirements Create Uneven Playing Field for Graduate Applicants"  Physics Education Research Conference NSF: 10310048

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Howland, Gregory, 2019, Efficiently certifying large amounts of entanglement in high-dimensional quantum systems, Proc. SPIE 11917, Photonics for Quantum 2019, 119170X, 27 August 2021.

Preble, Stefan, 2019, Quantum integrated photonics, Proc. SPIE 11917, Photonics for Quantum 2019, 119170A, 27 August 2021.

Zwickl, B., Wysocki, B., Dudley, E., Soltani, M., Tongue, T., and Anant, V., 2019, Career and Education Panel, Proc. SPIE 11917, Photonics for Quantum 2019, 119170C,27 August 2021