

Hoang, Tiep M., Vahid, Alireza, Tuan, Hoang D., and Hanzo, Lajos 2024, Physical Layer Authentication and Security Design in the Machine Learning Era, IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, IEEE, DOI: 10.1109/COMST.2024.3363639, 08 February 2024.


Manfreda-Schulz, E., Elliot, J., van Niekerk, M., Proctor, D., Ciminelli, M., Palone, T., Tison, C., Fanto, M., Preble, S., and Howland, G. 2024, Generating high-dimensional entanglement using a foundry-fabricated photonic integrated circuit, Optica Quantum 2, 35-40, 3 February 2024.

Powell, Eli, Rifat, Rahnuma, Hirschman, Karl D., Manley, Robert G., and Zhu, Bin 2024, Donor activation in boron and phosphorus implanted self-aligned bottom-gate Igzo Tfts, Semiconductor Technology for Ultra Large Scale Integrated Circuits and Thin Film Transistors (ULSIC VS TFT 8), Y. Kuo, Texas A&M University, USA Eds, ECI Symposium Series, 23 January 2024.

Khanala, B., Bhattaraic, B., Khanald, B., Linte, C. 2024, How does self-supervised pretraining improve robustness against noisy labels across various medical image classification datasets?, arXiv:2401.07990v1, 15 January 2024.


Travouillon, T., Smith, R. M., Fucik, J., Figer, D. F., Kasliwal, M., Moore, A. M., and Guillot, T. 2023, Ultra wide-field infrared astronomy in Antarctica, Scientific Detector Workshop, Potsdam, Astron.Nachr./AN, e20230063, 4 May 2023. 

Maguire, W. Ethan, Sejpal, Rajiv, and Smith, Bruce W. 2023, Defining Tatian-Zernike polynomials for use in a lithography simulator, Proc. SPIE 12494, Optical and EUV Nanolithography XXXVI, 124940P, 28 April 2023

Maguire, Ethan, Sejpal, Rajiv, and Smith, Bruce W. 2023, Modelling of patterning impact from diffraction hot spots in high-NA EUV lenses, Proc. SPIE 12494, Optical and EUV Nanolithography XXXVI, 124941E, 28 April 2023.

Senpal, Rajiv, Maguire, William, and Smith, Bruce W. 2023, Modeling and verification of next-gen EUV mask absorbers, Proc. SPIE 12494, Optical and EUV Nanolithography XXXVI, 124940H, 28 April 2023.

Tuladhar, Ultsav Ratna, Simon, Richard A., Linte, Cristian A., and Richards, Michael S. 2023, A Deep Learning framework to Estimate Elastic Modulus from ultrasound Measured Displacement Fields Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering, Volume 12470, NIH Public Access, 27 April 2023


Gebremichael, Wendwesen H., Dorrer, Christophe, and Qiao, Jie 2022, Comparative study of Nd:YAG waveguide lasers inscribed with visible and near-IR femtosecond laser sources, Proc. SPIE PC11988, Laser Applications in Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Manufacturing. 01 April 2022

D'Rozario, Julia, Polly, Steve, Tatavarti, Rao, and Hubbard, Seth 2022, Light management for improved photon absorption in thin-film radiation-tolerant multijunction space photovoltaics, Proc. SPIE 11996, Physics, Simulation, and Photonic Engineering of Photovoltaic Devices XI, 1199605. 04 March 2022

Linte, Crisitian A., and Siewerdsen, Jeffrey H. 2022, Image-guided Procedures, Robotic Interventions, and Modeling, Proceedings of SPIE, Medical Imaging 2022. 20 February 2022.

Hudson, Andrew, Hubbard, Seth, Juang, Bor-Chau, Debnath, Mukul, Lotshaw, William, et al. 2022, Electron radiation effects on carrier relaxation in molecular beam and vapor deposition grown GaAs test structures, Journal of Applied Physics 131, 075703. 18 February 2022.

D’Rozario, Julia R., Polly, Stephen J., Nelson, George T., Wilt, David, and Hubbard, Seth M., 2022, Modeling free-carrier absorption in ultrathin III-V solar cells with light management, Optics Express Vol. 30, Issue 5, pp. 7096-7109. 01 February 2022


Griston, Molly, Botello, Jesús, Verostek, Mike, and Zwickl, Benjamin, 2021, When the Lightbulb Turns On: Motivation and Collaboration Spark the Creation of Ideas for Theoretical Physicists, Bulletin of the American Physical Society, U20. 00002, 24 January 2021.

Ettlie, J., Muammer, O., and Murthy, R., 2021, R&D Dynamic Capabilities in a Changing Regulatory Context, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 10.1109/TEM.2020.3045650, 14 January 2021.

Vaughan, B., Butler, V., Feder, R., Sayers, J., and Zemcov, M., 2021, Measuring the Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect with Herschel Fourier Transform Spectrometry, American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts, 53, 154.08, 11 January 2021.

Mercado, D., Barry, P., Filippini, J., Nie, R., Patel, G., Shirokoff, E., Tramm, S., Trappe, N., and Zemcov, M., 2021, Design of a FIR Infrared Fourier Transform Spectrometer for the Calibration of On-Chip FIR Spectrometers, American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts, 53, 549.03, 11 January 2021.


Serafini, J., Spiecker, D. Steidle, J., Fanto, M., Hach, E., and Preble, S., 2020, Two photon interference via coupled ring resonators on a silicon photonic chip, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, 2020), paper FTu4C.7.

Sun, G., Bock, J., Bradford, M., Butler, V., Chang, T., Cheng, Y., Cooray, A., Crites, A., Hailey-Dunsheath, S., Hunacek, J., Keenan, R., Li, C., Marrone, D., Moncelsi, L., Shirokoff, E., Trumper, I., Uzgil, B., and Zemcov, M., 2020, Probing Cosmic Reionization and Molecular Gas Growth with TIME, American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts #235, 235, 266.02, 16 Dec 2020.

van Niekerk, M., Starling, D. J., Howland, G. A., Leake, G., Antohe, A., Binti, S., Coleman, D., Smith, A. M., Tison, C. C., Fanto, M. L., and Preble, S. F., 2020, "Experimental Evolutionary Optimization of an Active Multimode Interferometer", 2020 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), San Jose, CA, USA, 2020, pp. 1-2. 10 September 2020.

Donlon, Kevan, Ninkov, Zoran, and Baum, Stefi, 2020, Astrometric errors introduced by interpixel capacitive coupling in hybridized arrays, Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems, 6, 011006, 9 January 2020.

Figer, D. F. and Gallagher, J. 2020, Characterization of a Single Photon Sensing Detector for Astrophysics, American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts, 150.02, January 2020.


Fanto, Mike, 2019, Quantum Integrated Photonics Panel, Proc. SPIE 11917, Photonics for Quantum 2019, 119170O, 27 August 2021.

Hach III, Edwin, 2019, Linear optical quantum information processing in silicon nanophotonics, Proc. SPIE 11917, Photonics for Quantum 2019, 1191706, 27 August 2021.

Howland, Gregory, 2019, Efficiently certifying large amounts of entanglement in high-dimensional quantum systems, Proc. SPIE 11917, Photonics for Quantum 2019, 119170X, 27 August 2021.

Preble, Stefan, 2019, Quantum integrated photonics, Proc. SPIE 11917, Photonics for Quantum 2019, 119170A, 27 August 2021.

Zwickl, B., Wysocki, B., Dudley, E., Soltani, M., Tongue, T., and Anant, V., 2019, Career and Education Panel, Proc. SPIE 11917, Photonics for Quantum 2019, 119170C,27 August 2021