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Khanal, Bidur, Shrestha, Prashant, Amgain, Sanskar, Khanal, Bishesh, Bhattarai, Binod, and Linte, Cristian A. 2024, Investigating the Robustness of Vision Transformers against Label Noise in Medical Image Classification, Image and Video Processing (eess.IV), arXiv:2402.16734v1, 26 February 2024.

Linte C., Yaniv Z., Chen E., Dou Q., Drouin S., Kalia M., Oertel M., McLeod J., Sarikaya D., 2024, Papers from the 17th Joint Workshop on Augmented Environments for Computer Assisted Interventions at MICCAI 2024: Guest Editors' Foreword, Healthc Technol Lett., doi: 10.1049/htl2.12082. PMID: 38638501; PMCID: PMC11022206. 28 Feb 2024.

Linte C. A., Yaniv Z., Chen E., Dou Q., Drouin S., Kalia M., Kersten-Oertel M., McLeod J., and Sarikaya D. 2024, Papers from the 17th Joint Workshop on Augmented Environments for Computer Assisted Interventions at MICCAI 2023: Guest Editors’ Foreword, Healthc Technol Lett., 11(2-3), 31-32, doi:10.1049/htl2.12082, PMID:38638501; PMCID: PMC11022206, 28 February 2024.


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Kamrul Hasan, S. M., and Linte, Cristian A. 2022, Learning Deep Representations of Cardiac Structures for 4D Cine MRI Image Segmentation through Semi-Supervised Learning, Emerging Techniques in Imaging, Modelling and Visualization for Cardiovascular Diagnosis and Therapy, Special Issue. 28 November 2022

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Norris, Kelly, Gaffney, Amy, Leak, Anne, Nelson, Jes, Cervantes, Alexandria, Gardener, Katherine, Clark, Brandon, and Zwickl, Benjamin 2021, Spewing nonsense [or not]: communication competence and socialization in optics and photonics workplaces. 10.4324/9781003038139-2, 28 Aug 2021.

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Venkataramani, Vignesh, Li, Minyao, Linte, Cristian A., and Otani, Niels F. 2020, Noise reduction in the inverse solution for one-dimensional cardiac active stress reconstruction, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, 11317, 113172E, 5 March 2020.

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