


Ferraro, N. G., Turner, J. L., Beck, S. C., Alexani, E., Indrei, R., Welch, B. M., Xie, T. 2024, VLA 22 GHz Imaging of Massive Star Formation in Local Wolf-Rayet Galaxies, Astrophysics, Astrophysics of Galaxies, arXiv:2411.06300, 9 Nov 2024. 

Lin, Q., Liu, C., Wang, G., Sanyal, S., Dwyer, M., Seitz, M., Chen, J., Li, Y., Earles, T., Tansu, N., Zhang, J., Mawst, L., Gupta, C., and Pasayat, S. S. 2024, 376 nm High-Power UV-A Laser Diodes with GaN Waveguide, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 1-1, 10.1109/LPT.2024.3488037, 30 October 2024.

Barnes, E., Bennett, M B., Boltasseva, A., Borish, B., Brown, B., Carr, L. D., Ceballos, R. R., Dukes, F., Easton, E. W., Economou, S. E., Edwards, E. E., Finkelstein, N. D., Fracchiolla, C. , Franklin, D., Freericks, J. K., Goss, V., Hannum, M., Holincheck, N. , Kelly, A. M., Lanes, O., Lewandowski, H. J., Matsler, K. J., Mercurio. E., Montaño, I., Murdock, M., Peltz, K., Perron, J. K., Richardson, C. J. K., Rosenberg, J. L., Ross, R. S., Ryu, M., Samuel, R. E., Schrode, N., Schwamberger, S., Searles, T. A., Singh, C., Tingle, A., and Zwickl, B. M. 2024,Outcomes from a Workshop on a National Center for Quantum Education, Physics Education (physics.ed-ph), arXiv:2410.23460v1, 30 Oct 2024.

Sundaram, V. S. S.,  Deenadayalan, V., Palone, T., Fanto, M. L., Howland, G., and Preble, S. 2024, Foundry-Fabricated Visible-Wavelength Polarization Splitter and Rotator on a Silicon Nitride-on-Insulator Platform, IEEE, 2024 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), Charlotte, NC, 29 October 2024.

Qiao, J., and Chen, G. 2024, Nano-structuring of Glass Using Femtosecond Lasers, IEEE, 2024 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), Charlotte, NC, 29 October 2024,


Belfore, B., Masters, A., Poudel, D., Blume, G., Polly, S., Wang, E., Hubbard, S. M., Stutzman, M., Grames, J. M., Poelker, M.,Grau, M., and Marsillac, S. 2024, High figure of merit spin polarized electron sources grown via MOCVDAppl. Phys. Lett., 123 (22): 222102, DOI: 10.1063/5.0170106, 27 November 2023.

Pradhan, N., Kumar, P., Kanamoto, R., Dey, T. N., Bhattacharya, M. et al. 2023, Ring Bose-Einstein condensate in a cavity: Chirality Detection and Rotation Sensing, arXiv 2311.15226, Quantum Gases, 26 Nov 2023.

Nassirpour, S., Shomornoy, I., and Vahid, A. 2023, DNA Merge-Sort: A Family of Nested Varshamov-Tenengolts Reassembly Codes for Out-of-Order Media, IEEE Transactions on Communications, DOI: 10.1109/TCOMM.2023.3335409, 21 Nov 2023.

Brooks, E., Barry, P., Nie, R., Mercado, D., Zemcov, M. et al. 2023, Development of Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detectors for a THz On-Chip Spectrometer, 10.21203/, 14 Nov 2023.

Xu, K., Liang, J., Katz, B., Muzzio, R., Crespi, V. H., Katoch, J, and Fullerton-Shirey, S. K., 2023, Strain-Induced 2H to 1T′ Phase Transition in Suspended MoTe2 Using Electric Double Layer Gating, American Chemical Society, DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.3c04701, 10 November 2023.


Spaulding, Carolyn, Taylor, Alex, Williams, Scott, Packard, Glenn, and, Kurinec, Santosh 2022, Introducing gallium in silicon and thin film polysilicon using self assembled monolayer doping, Materials Letters, Volume 325. 14 July 2022

Kamrul Hasan, S. M., and Linte, Cristian A. 2022, Joint Segmentation and uncertainty Estimation of Ventricular Structures from Cardiac MRI using a Bayesian CondenseUNet, 2022 44th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC) 11 July 2022

Upendra, Roshan Reddy, and Linte, Cristian A. 2022, A 3D Convolutional Neural Network with Gradient Guidance for Image Super-Resolution of Late Gadolinium Enhanced cardiac MRI, 2022 44th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC), Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom, 2022, pp. 1707-1710 11 July 2022

Jackson, Peter, Merrell, Kelly, Simon, Richard, and Linte, Cristian A. 2022, Investigating uncertainty in augmented reality enhanced renal navigation using in vitro patient-specific tissue-mimicking phantoms, 2022 44th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC), Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom, pp.2997-3002. 11 July 2022

Yang, Zixin, Lin, Shan, Simon, Richard, and Linte, Cristian A. 2022, Endoscope Localization and Dense Surgical Scene Reconstruction for Stereo Endoscopy by Unsupervised Optical Flow and Kanade-Lucas-Tomasi Tracking, 2022 44th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC), Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom, pp. 4839-4842. 11 July 2022


Yang, Zixin, Simon, Richard, Li, Yangming, and Linte, Cristian A. 2021, Dense Depth Estimation from Stereo Endoscopy Videos Using Unsupervised Optical Flow Methods, Medical Image Understanding and Analysis. MIUA 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12722, 6 July 2021.

Hasan, Nazmul M. D., Zheng, Yixiong, Lai, Junyu, Mohseni, Parsian K., Seo, Jung-Hun, et al. 2021, Electrical and Thermal Property of Si/GaAs Heterojunction Formed by Ultra-Thin Oxide Interfacial Layer, arXiv, eprint arXiv:2107.06983, 01 July 2021

Sun, G., Chang, T. C., Uzgil, B. D., Bock, J. J., Bradford, C. M., Butler, V., Caze-Cortes, T., Cheng, Y. T., Cooray, A. 2021, Probing Cosmic Reionization and Molecular Gas Growth with TIME, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 915, Number 1, 01 July 2021.

Swain, Biswa R., Dorrer, Christophe, and Qiao, Jie 2021, Telephoto-Based Optical Differentiation Wavefront Sensor and Alignment Tolerance for Freeform Metrology, Optical Society of America, Optical Fabrication and Testing, Pages OM3B. 4, 27 June 2021.

Birrittella, Richard J., Ziskind, Jason, Hach, Edwin E., Alsing, Paul M., and Gerry, Christopher C. 2021, Optimal spin- and planar-quantum squeezing in superpositions of spin coherent states, eprint arXiv:2106.04430. 25 June 2021


Harman, C. E., Izenberg, N., Stevenson, K., Zemcov, M. B., Mandt, K., et al. 2021, The View From Out Here: the Solar System Planets as Exoplanet Analogs, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, SH017-0007, 13 December 2021.

Lisse, C. M., Szalay, J., Poppe, A. R., Horanyi, M., Sterken, V. J., Beichman, C., Draine, B., Lallement, R., Levasseur-Regourd, A. C., Zemcov, M. B., McNutt, R. L., and Brandt, P. C., Interstellar Probe Measurements of Dust in Our Heliosphere, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, SH019-08, December 2020.

Dadras, Siamak, Pettit, Robert M., Luntz-Martin, Danika R., Xiao, Kewen, Bhattacharya, M., and Vamivakas, Nick, 2020, Injection locking of a levitated optomechanical oscillator for precision force sensing, arXiv preprint, arXiv:2012, 12354, 22 December 2020.

Deng, Shan, Jiang, Zhouhang, Dutta, Sourav, Ye, Huacheeng, Chakraborty, Wriddhi, Kurinec, Santosh, Datta, Suman, and Ni, Kai, 2020 Examination of the Interplay Between Polarization Switching and Charge Trapping in Ferroelectric FET, International Electron Devices Meeting, pp 4.4. 1-4 4.4, 11 March 2021

Zemcov, Michael, et. al. SPHEREx: NASA's near-infrared spectrophotometric all-sky survey, Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 11443, id. 114430I 17 pp., December 2020.


Arteaga-Sierra, F. R., Feng, T., Dorrer, C. and Qiao, J., 2019, Nonlinear Optical Dynamics in Femtosecond Laser Processing of Nd:YAG Waveguides 2019 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference, pp. 1-1, 10.1109, 17 October 2019.

Beichman, C., Zemcov, M. B., Lisse, C. M., Bock, J. A., Brandt, P. C., Horanyi, M., McNutt, R. L., Poppe, A. R., Paul, M. V., Sterken, V. J., and Szalay, J. R., 2019, Measuring the Extragalactic Background Light With an Interstellar Probe, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2019, SH54A-10, December 2019.

Chang, Tzu-Ching, Zemcov, Michael, and 42 colleagues 2019, Tomography of the Cosmic Dawn and Reionization Eras with Multiple Tracers, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 51, 282, 28 Mar 2019.

Sayers, Jack, Montaña, Alfredo, Mroczkowski, Tony, Wilson, Grant W., Zemcov, Michael, Zitrin, Adi, Cibirka, Nathália, Golwala, Sunil, Hughes, David, Nagai, Daisuke, Reese, Erik D., Sánchez, David, and Zuhone, John, 2019, Imaging the Thermal and Kinematic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect Signals in a Sample of 10 Massive Galaxy Clusters: Constraints on Internal Velocity Structures and Bulk Velocities, The Astrophysical Journal, 880, 45, 25 Jun 2019.