PaymentWorks Guide for Suppliers

Adding Users to My PaymentWorks Account

Additional users can be granted access to your PaymentWorks account. They are able to view and manage all account information using their own separate login. Once a new user has been added, they will receive an email with the necessary instructions.

1. Log in to PaymentWorks and click Account at the top of the screen

2. Click Manage Other Users from the navigation menu

3. This table displays the list of current users who have access to your account

4. Click the Add user button

5. Enter the appropriate user information into the fields provided

6. If the Forward Messages to Email checkbox is selected, any messages sent to the PaymentWorks account will also be emailed to this user

7. Click the Save button to grant this user access to your PaymentWorks account

Picture showing above steps as needed to add user


Payment works instructions above in picture form

Managing Remittance Addresses

Adding New or Additional Remittance Addresses

1. Log in to PaymentWorks and click Company Profile at the top of the screen

2. Click Remittance Addresses from the navigation menu

3. New or additional addresses can be created for your profile by clicking the Create New Address hyperlink

4. Once a new address is created, allow your customers to see this information by clicking the Share With Customers button

Tip to assign nicknames to differentiate between them in the list


picture of options 1-4 and where to navigate


Updating or Deleting Remittance Addresses

1. Update an address by clicking the corresponding pencil icon (refer to the image on the following page)

2. Delete an address by clicking the corresponding x icon

important tip deleting addresses.

Changing the Remittance Address for a Customer

1. Click the Related Customers button to view a list of customers associated with the address

2. A new screen appears with the list of customers that have access to your selected address (this can be switched by using the drop-down field at the top)

3. Click the Change Address hyperlink for a selected customer

4. The address associated with this customer can now be changed


remittance address pictured


remittance address

Updating Bank Account Information

Adding a New Bank Account in PaymentWorks

1. Log in to PaymentWorks and click Company Profile at the top of the screen

2. Click Bank Accounts from the navigation menu

3. Click Add Account to begin the process of adding new banking information

4. You’ll need the following details when setting up a new bank account:

  • Name associated with the account
  • Account number and type
  • Bank address and routing number
  • Account verification file

5. When completing this workflow, select one or more remittance addresses to associate with the bank account

Important tip - bank account must be associated with remittance address identified on the invoice


picture showing steps above in picture form


Changing the Remittance Addresses Associated with an Account

1. Log in to PaymentWorks and click Company Profile at the top of the screen

2. Click Bank Accounts from the navigation menu

3. Click the pencil icon next to the selected bank account to edit the details

4. Select one or more addresses that you would like to associate with this account

tip address can only be assigned to one bank account


above steps in picture form


remittance address picture


Updating Business Details and Tax Classification

Making Changes to Business Information

1. Log in to PaymentWorks and click Company Profile at the top of the screen

2. Select Business Details from the navigation menu

3. Your business information and tax classification can be updated by clicking the Edit button at the bottom of the screen

tip on validation of tax information against irs databaseitems 1-3 from above in picture format

Making Changes to the New Vendor Registration Form

When joining PaymentWorks for the first time, you completed the New Vendor Registration form. In some circumstances, changes need to be made to this information after it’s been submitted. Follow the steps below to edit your registration details. Once any changes are made, they are re-submitted to RIT for approval.

1. Log in to PaymentWorks and click Connect at the top of the screen

2. Within the Customer Registrations section, find and click the RIT Registration row (the status for this registration may be listed as In Progress or Complete)

3. Your New Vendor Registration form appears and you can make changes to the following information:

  •  Supplier and tax categories
  • Honorarium/Stipend designation
  • Commodity and NAICS codes
  • Purchase order details
  • Insurance information
  • Contact information
  • Conflict of interest statements
  • Banking details

4. Click the Submit button at the bottom of the form to send your requested changes to RIT for approval


shows steps above in picture formati

Worker Classification Form (Independent Contractor Classification Determination)

This form is used as the Independent Contractor Classification Determination and should be included in your PaymentWorks Application as needed.

Worker Classification Form