Sean Hansen Headshot

Sean Hansen

Department Chair

Department of MIS, Marketing, and Analytics
Saunders College of Business

Office Location

Sean Hansen

Department Chair

Department of MIS, Marketing, and Analytics
Saunders College of Business


BA, Harvard University; MBA, Ph.D., Case Western Reserve University


Sean Hansen is the Department Chair of MIS, Marketing, & Analytics and a Professor of Management Information Systems (MIS) in RIT's Saunders College of Business. He received his PhD from the Weatherhead School of Management at Case Western Reserve University. His research interests are in software design and development, health IT, IT strategy, and the application of contemporary cognitive theory to information systems development. Prior to embarking on a career in research and teaching, Sean provided management and technology consulting services to companies across the industrial spectrum. His research has been published in leading journals in the MIS field, including MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research, Communications of the ACMInformation Systems JournalInformation and OrganizationThe Information Society, and Decision Sciences, as well as multiple edited volumes. He regularly presents his research at leading academic conferences.

Areas of Expertise

Select Scholarship

Invited Article/Publication
Hansen, S., & Baroody, A. (2023). Beyond the Boundaries of Care: Electronic Health Records and the Changing Practices of Healthcare. Information and Organization. . .
Gal, U., Hansen, S., & Lee, A. (2022). Towards Theoretical Rigour in Ethical Analysis: The Case of Algorithmic Decision-Making Systems. Journal of the Association for Information Systems (AIS). . .
Akdevelioglu, D., Hansen, S., & Venkatesh, A. (2022). Wearable technologies, brand community, and the growth of a transhumanist vision. Journal of Marketing Management. 38. 569-604.
Liu, M., Hansen, S., & Tu, Q. (2021). Sustaining Collaborative Software Development through Strategic Consortium. Journal of Strategic Information Systems. 30. 101671.
Liu, M., Hansen, S., & Tu, Q. (2020). Keeping the family together: Sustainability and modularity in community source development. Information and Organization. 30. 100274.
Hansen, S., & Baroody, A. (2020). Electronic Health Records and the Logics of Care: Complementarity and Conflict in the U.S. Healthcare System. Information Systems Research. 31. 57-75.
Hansen, S., Gogan, J., Baxter, R., & Garfield, M. (2019). Informed collaboration in health care: An embedded-cases study in geriatric telepsychiatry. Information Systems Journal. 29. 514–547.
Bui, Q., Hansen, S., Liu, M., & Tu, Q. (2018). The Productivity Paradox in Health Information Technology. Communications of the ACM. 61. 78-85.
Xiao, X., Lindberg, A., Hansen, S., & Lyytinen, K. (2018). Computing Requirements for Open Source Software: A Distributed Cognitive Approach. Journal of the AIS. 19. 1217-1252.
Marabelli, M., Hansen, S., Newell, S., & Frigerio, C. (2017). The Light and Dark Side of The Black Box: Sensor-Based Technology in the Automotive Industry. Communications of the AIS. . .
McLaughlin, M., Hansen, S., Cram, W., & Gogan, J. (2015). Snowfall and a stolen laptop. Journal of Information Technology Teaching Cases. 5. 102-112.
Liu, M., Hansen, S., & Tu, Q. (2014). The Community Source Approach to Software Development and the Kuali Experience. Communications of the ACM. 57. 88-96.
Pierce, E., & Hansen, S. (2013). Technology, Trust, and Effectiveness in Virtual Teams. International Journal of Management & Business. 4. 33-56.
Bateman, P., Pike, J., Berente, N., & Hansen, S. (2012). Time for a Post-Mortem?: Business Professionals' Perspectives on the Disillusionment of Virtual Worlds. Journal of Virtual Worlds Research. . .
Berente, N., Hansen, S., Pike, J., & Bateman, P. (2011). Arguing the Value of Virtual Worlds: Patterns of Discursive Sensemaking of an Innovative Technological Environment. MIS Quarterly. 35. 685-709.
Berente, N., Gal, U., & Hansen, S. (2011). Ethical Implications of Social Stratification in Information Systems Research. Information Systems Journal. 21. 357 - 382.
Hansen, S., & Rennecker, J. (2010). Getting on the same page: Collective hermeneutics in a systems development team. Information and Organization. 20. 44-63.
Dennis, A., Rennecker, J., & Hansen, S. (2010). Invisible Whispering: Restructuring Meeting Processes with Instant Messaging. Decision Sciences Journal. . 845-886.
Hansen, S., Bateman, P., Berente, N., & Pike, J. (2009). Productive Play and the Real-World Value of Immersive Virtual Environments. Artifact. 2. .
Hansen, S., Berente, N., & Lyytinen, K. (2009). Wikipedia, Critical Social Theory, and the Possibility of Rational Discourse. The Information Society. 25. 38-59.
Hansen, S., Berente, N., & Lyytinen, K. (2008). Emerging Principles for Requirements Processes in Organizational Contexts. Networking and Information Systems. 13. 9-35.
Published Conference Proceedings
Bui, Q., Hansen, S., Liu, M., & Tu, Q. (2018). Caring and Coping: Adaptation, Use, and Resistance of Electronic Health Records Systems. Conference on Health IT and Analytics (CHITA).
Hansen, S., & Baroody, A. (2018). Minding the Boundary: Electronic Health Records and the Transformation of U.S. Healthcare Practice. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-51).
Dreesen, T., & Hansen, S. (2018). Agility in the Balance: Control, Autonomy, and Ambidexterity in Agile Software Development. International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS'18).
Hansen, S., Lyytinen, K., & Kharabe, A. (2015). A Tale of Requirements Computation in Two Projects: A Distributed Cognition View. International Conference on Information Systems.
Liu, M., Hansen, S., & Tu, Q. (2015). Toward Sustainable Collaborative Software Development: A Case in Higher Education. Americas Conference on Information Systems.
Berente, N., Hansen, S., & Rosenkranz, C. (2015). Rule Formation and Change in Information Systems Development: How Institutional Logics Shape ISD Practices and Processes. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences HICSS-48.
Hansen, S., & Lyytinen, K. (2014). Requirements Computation: Analyzing Requirements Evolution across Development Paradigms.. Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS'14).
Hansen, S., Kharabe, A., & Lyytinen, K. (2013). The Structures of Computation: A Distributed Cognitive Analysis of Requirements Evolution in Diverse Software Development Environments. International Research Workshop on Information Technology Project Management (IRWITPM'13).
Xiao, X., Lindberg, A., Hansen, S., & Lyytinen, K. (2013). 'Computing' Requirements in Open Source Software Projects. International Conference on Information Systems.
Hansen, S., Gogan, J., & Baxter, R. (2012). Distributed Cognition in Geriatric Telepsychiatry. 45th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS'12).
Baroody, A., & Hansen, S. (2012). Spinning the Web of Care: Logics of Information Integration in the Healthcare Marketplace. Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS'12).
Gal, U., Hansen, S., & Tan, B. (2012). Collaborative Infrastructures for Distributed Work: The Case of Haier's 1000-Day Information Revolution.. International Conference on Information Systems.
Baroody, A., & Hansen, S. (2012). Changing Perspectives: Institutional Logics of Adoption and Use of Health Information Technology. International Conference on Information Systems.
Hansen, S., Robinson, W., & Lyytinen, K. (2012). Computing Requirements: Cognitive Approaches to Distributed Requirements Engineering. 45th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS'12).
Hansen, S., (2012). Requirements in the Wild � A Socio-Technical Perspective on Requirements Engineering. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AoM'12).
Pierce, E., & Hansen, S. (2011). Enabling Trust and Performance in Distributed Collaborative Teams. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AoM'&#8364™11).
Gal, U., & Hansen, S. (2010). Designing Collaborative Infrastructures to Support Distributed Work. AIS SIGPrag Event at ICIS 2010 in St. Louis.
Hansen, S., & Lyytinen, K. (2010). Challenges in Contemporary Requirements Practice. The 43rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS’&#8364™10).
Hansen, S., Lyytinen, K., & Avital, M. (2010). Exploration and Exploitation in IS Development Environments. INFORMS Annual Meeting.
Hansen, S., & Lyytinen, K. (2009). Distributed Cognition in the Management of Design Requirements. 15th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS'&#8364™09).
Hansen, S., Lyytinen, K., & Avital, M. (2009). Project Innovation through Exploration and Exploitation: Requirements Practice in Large-Scale IS Development Environments. International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS'&#8364™09).
Boland, R., Goraya, T., Berente, N., & Hansen, S. (2009). IT for Creativity in Problem Formulation. International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS'09).
Gal, U., Berente, N., & Hansen, S. (2008). The Ethics of Social Stratification and the IT User. European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS'&#8364™08).
Pierce, E., & Hansen, S. (2008). Leadership, Trust, and Effectiveness in Virtual Teams. International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS'&#8364™08).
Berente, N., Hansen, S., Pike, J., & Bateman, P. (2008). Virtual Worlds and Real-Life Organizations: A Study of Executive Perspectives. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AoM'&#8364™08).
Hansen, S., Berente, N., & Lyytinen, K. (2007). Wikipedia as Rational Discourse: An Illustration of the Emancipatory Potential of Information Systems. 40th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS'&#8364˜07).
Hansen, S., & Rennecker, J. (2007). On the Same Page: Collective Hermeneutics in a Systems Development Team. Academy of Management Annual Meeting (AoM'&#8364™07).
Hansen, S., Lyytinen, K., & Markus, M. (2006). The Legacy of ’&#8364˜Power and Politics'&#8364™ in Disciplinary Discourse: A Citation Analysis. Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS ’&#8364™06).
Hansen, S., & Yoo, Y. (2006). Technology Adoption in Distributed Cognitive Environments. The Academy of Management Annual Meeting (AoM '&#8364™06).
Rennecker, J., Dennis, A., & Hansen, S. (2006). Reconstructing the Stage: The use of instant messaging to restructure meeting boundaries. The 39th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS'&#8364™06).
Hansen, S., & Vandenbosch, B. (2005). Progressive Insurance: TripSense and the Challenges of Innovation. Proceedings of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Conference (ASAC’&#8364™05).
Hansen, S., & Avital, M. (2005). Contributing Your Wisdom or Showing Your Cards: A Quantitative Inquiry of Knowledge Sharing Behavior. Proceedings of the American Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS’&#8364™05).
Full Length Book
(2014). Management, Valuation, and Risk for Human Capital and Human Assets: Building the Foundation for a Multi-Disciplinary, Multi-Level Theory. Pierce, E., & Hansen, S.
(2010). Handbook of Group Decision and Negotiation. Rennecker, J., Dennis, A., & Hansen, S.
(2010). Intentional Perspectives on Information Systems Engineering. Hansen, S., & Lyytinen, K.
(2009). Design Requirements Engineering: A Multi-disciplinary Perspective for the Next Decade. Hansen, S., Berente, N., & Lyytinen, K.
(2009). Design Requirements Engineering: A Multi-disciplinary Perspective for the Next Decade. Berente, N., Hansen, S., & Lyytinen, K.
Book Chapter
(2014). The effect of virtual work environments and social systems on human capital and assets. Management, Valuation, and Risk for Human Capital and Human Assets: Building the Foundation for a Multi-Disciplinary, Multi-Level Theory. 59-90. Pierce, E., & Hansen, S.
(2010). "Invisible Whispering": Restructuring Meeting Processes with Instant Messaging. Handbook of Group Decision and Negotiation. Rennecker, J., Dennis, A., & Hansen, S.
(2010). Contemporary Challenges in Requirements Discovery and Validation: Two Case Studies in Complex Environments. Intentional Perspectives on Information Systems Engineering. 39-66. Hansen, S., & Lyytinen, K.
(2009). Requirements in the 21st Century: Current Practice and Emerging Trends. Design Requirements Engineering: A Multi-disciplinary Perspective for the Next Decade. Hansen, S., Berente, N., & Lyytinen, K.
(2009). High Impact Design Requirements ?&#8364“ Key Design Challenges for the Next Decade. Design Requirements Engineering: A Multi-disciplinary Perspective for the Next Decade. Berente, N., Hansen, S., & Lyytinen, K.

Currently Teaching

3 Credits
Students apply their mathematical, data analytic, and integrative business analytics skills in a complex project involving real or simulated data. Under the supervision of an advisor, students work in teams to perform a stipulated task/project and write a comprehensive report at the end of the experience. Subject to approval by the program director, an individual student internship/coop followed by an in-depth report may obtain equivalent credit.
3 Credits
To be successful in our globally-networked business environment, contemporary management professionals must have a strong grounding in the principles of information and information technology. This course provides an introduction to the field of management information systems (MIS), including the tools and techniques for managing information and information technologies within organizations. We place a particular emphasis on the nature of systems, the role of information in business processes, the management of data, and the planning of MIS design projects.
3 Credits
This course provides students with fundamental knowledge and skills required for successful analysis of problems and opportunities related to the flow of information within organizations and the design and implementation of information systems to address identified factors. Students are provided with knowledge and experience that will be useful in determining systems requirements and developing a logical design.
3 Credits
Students who complete this course will understand the principles and practices employed to analyze information needs and design appropriate IT-based solutions to address business challenges and opportunities. They will learn how to conduct requirements analysis, approach the design or redesign of business processes, communicate designs decisions to various levels of management, and work in a project-based environment.
3 Credits
The student will work independently under the supervision of a faculty adviser. (Instructor approval)
3 Credits
Digital transformation refers to the widespread integration of digital technologies into almost all aspects of organizational and social interaction. This phenomenon has engendered a wide variety of new markets, ways of organizing, mechanisms for the delivery of goods and services, and modes of interpersonal exchange. In so doing, it has simultaneously engendered novel challenges to prevailing business models, organizational routines, foundational assumptions of social interaction, and traditional ethical frameworks. This doctoral seminar course explores the societal impacts engendered by the phenomenon of digital transformation. The course places a special emphasis on the implications for three facets of social interaction: (1) organizing and organizational forms, (2) consumer markets and experiences, and (3) interpersonal dynamics.
3 Credits
The doctoral seminar course introduces students to the most prominent theoretical streams within the scholarly discipline of Management Information Systems. Students read, analyze, and discuss seminal research manuscripts within the field. Through these analyses, they discern underlying assumptions, philosophical/ ontological stances, and central arguments of the various works. In addition, students complete a focused exploration of the research corpus of one or more significant researchers within the discipline.
3 Credits
Marketing research focuses on methods used to understand the changing needs of customers and markets to guide the decision-making of managers. The course emphasizes the data-driven elements of the marketing research process. Through hands-on methods, students will work through research problem formulation, data sources, data collection methods, and analysis.
3 Credits
This course provides a detailed look at structural equation modeling (SEM) for doctoral students. SEM is a technique for modeling the relationships among multiple latent variables. It includes models that have multiple indicators of constructs (latent variables; confirmatory factor analysis) that have directional relationships among constructs (path analysis; structural equations). The course will cover both conceptual and practical aspects of SEM, with the goal of preparing the student to use SEM in original research and to critically evaluate its use in scholarly work. Further, it introduces the student to partial least squares modeling and to Bayesian approaches in structural equations modeling.

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