Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, we encourage educators, researchers, and others to make use of the data and visualizations however they are useful. Please use the suggested citation whenever you present, publish, or share work based on this data set.
Our suggested citation is:
Andi Piña, Mike Verostek, Brett Boyle, Ella Watts, Matt Lawler, Mateo Cacheiro, Namitha Pradeep, Colin West, Shams El-Adawy, Heather Lewandowski, Ben Zwickl, United States Quantum Education Landscape Dataset and Visualizations, (2024)
- You can download the data through
- If you hover over any data frame within Streamlit, an icon will appear to download the data in that data frame.
We are looking for managers, entry-level employees and employees who have an education-focus role in different quantum industry companies to participate in our study. Please reach out to Shams El-Adawy ( for details about participation and/or with suggestions on who we could reach out to at your company to participate in our industry interviews.
Our data collection and analysis are ongoing. We estimate disseminating initial results in late Spring 2025.