Laboratory Directory


Hans Schmittenner

Hans Schmitthenner

Research Professor 
School of chemistry and materials science

A114 Thomas Gosnell Hall
Phone: (585) 749-4705

Research Interests: Imaging Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, HPLC-Mass Spectrometry, Biochemistry

Teaching: CHEM 130: Chemical Connections, CHMA 165: Analytical Methods, CHMA 650: Separations and Mass Spectroscopy in Biological Chemistry

Current Students

head shot of Dana

Dana Murphy Soika

(Present - 2020)

head shot of Ceyda

Ceyda Durmaz

(Present - 2020)
Project: Synthesis of Dual Modal OMI-PET Molecular Imaging Agents. Aspiring medicinal chemist in drug development or molecular imaging agents.

Photo of Osar

Osar Otasowie

(Present - 2020)
Project: Dual Gadolinium 

Osar is from NYC and wants to go to graduate school to get her Ph.D

head shot of Emily

Emily Mahoney

(Present - 2021)
Project: IR800 and QC-1 Dye.

Emily is studying abroad in Fall 2019 at Oxford University.

headshot of Ricardo Carrion

Ricardo Carrion

(Present - 2021)
Project: TMIA for MRI.

From Rochester, New York. Going into his third year at RIT. He is a part of a few clubs and organizations on-campus as a way to stay involved.

Headshot of Toan Mach

Toan Mach

(Present - 2021)
Project: Zwitterionic Dye for Molecular Imaging in Breast Cancer.

Toan would like to continue with cancer research in the future.

Headshot of Matthew Law

Matthew Law

(Present - 2022)
Project Name: SPPS

From Livonia, NY and is entering his second year at RIT

Headshot of Basant Kaur

Basant Kaur 

(Present - 2022)
Masters Student in Chemistry
Project Name: SPPS

B.S. from Roberts Wesleyan College 

Julia Crandall

Julia Crandall

(Present - 2022)
Project Name: SPPS and Breast Cancer Peptide Agents 

From Grennbush, NY Class of 2023


Headshot of Damien Dobson
Ph.D. Chemistry 
Purdue University

Ph.D. Chemistry 
Institute of Organic and Biochemistry AS CR, Prague, C.Z.

Searching for position in Peptide Chemistry
Now a scientist in peptide synthesis at LifeTein

Ph.D. Chemistry 
UC Irvine 

Ph.D.  Chemistry
University of Buffalo

Ph.D. Chemistry 
U. of Connecticut

M.S. position in Medical Research in the D.R.
UnivTecnológica de Santiago, D.R.

Analytical Chemistry Technician
Sanofi Pharmaceuticals

M.S. Chemistry 
Rochester Institute of Technology

Michael Regan (BS, 2016) Ph.D. Chemistry Clarkson University

Ph.D. Chemistry 
Clarkson University

Lauren Heese (BS, 2016) Biochemistry Technician M.D. Anderson Cancer Research Center

Biochemistry Technician 
M.D. Anderson Cancer Research Center

Ph.D. Chemistry 
UC Santa Barbara
Senior scientist in a process chemistry group of Merck

Photo of Anne Marie Sweeny

Ph.D. Chemistry 
Senior scientist at BASF
University of Georgia

Photo of Taylor Barrett

Ph.D. Biological Chemistry 
Assistant professor in Biochemistry at Swarthmore College
U. of Pennsylvania

headshot of Chelsea Weidman

M.S. Biological Chemistry 
Boston College

Headshot of Stephanie Beach

Ph.D. Chemistry
Boston University

Photo of Kevin Kirk

Ph.D. Chemistry 
Clarkson University

Ph.D. Bioanalytical Chemistry
University of Buffalo

Summer Research Groups

Hans Schmitthenner and students by tiger statue on the quarter mile



Group image

Group Dinner