Facilities, Parking, Transportation, and Sustainability


Thursdays 1-2pm in Kathy Hall
Facilities: Working with Facilities Management Services on issues, such as maintenance and cleanliness. Advocating for student needs in the form of:
  • Improved cleaning of dorm-side restrooms
  • Bringing back trash cans to all restrooms on dorm-side
  • Addressing the presence of pests, especially mice and cockroaches
  • Better lighting for certain areas of campus
Parking and Transportation: Working with Parking and Transportation Services on issues such as access to parking on campus and improved shuttle services. Advocating for student needs in the form of:
  • More reliable busses
  • Evaluating the parking situation on campus


lily chau

Lily Chau
FPaTS Committee Chair
Email: lxcsg@rit.edu


Matt Diss
Greek Senator
Email: medsg@rit.edu

Sophia Pries

Sophia Pries
Vice President
Email: srpsg@rit.edu

Sammy Deol

Sammy Deol
CHST Senator
Email: ssdsg@rit.edu

Emma Kane

Emma Kane
Cross Registered Senator
Email: emksg@rit.edu

RIT Partners

Joel Mazeika

Joel Mazeika
Transportation Services Manager
Email: jrmcps@rit.edu

John Connelly

John Connelly
Director Parking and Transportation
Email: jccfms1@rit.edu

Raymond Orr

Raymond Orr
Associate Vice President Facilities Management
Email: rkofms@rit.edu

Colleen Meyer

Colleen Meyer
Envr Health and Safety Manager for FMS
Email: crmehs@rit.edu