Saunders ranked #59 among best undergraduate business schools by Poets&Quants
Saunders College of Business’s undergraduate and graduate portfolio is nationally and internationally ranked and recognized. Most recently, Saunders was ranked #59 in the Poets&Quants list of best undergraduate business programs.
The complete Poets&Quants (P&Q) ranking covers 91 full-time undergraduate programs in the U.S. The assessment methodology is based on admission standards (33.3%), academic experience (33.3%), and career outcomes (33.3%). P&Q points out that “there are nearly 700 undergraduate business programs accredited by the AACSB. The business schools singled out in our ranking are all extraordinary, each in the top tenth percentile of accredited schools.”
Notably, Saunders placed 43rd in career outcomes, 64th in admission standards, and 83rd in academic experience among top U.S. business schools.
Saunders is continuously innovating its curriculum to respond to the ever-changing world and to help students engage in critical thinking and strategic problem solving. Students can major in areas such as marketing, management information systems (MIS), supply chain management, hospitality and tourism management (HTM), and various other business majors and minors.