Home Page

Imagine a place where there are endless opportunities to discover and explore. A place where you can make your dreams a reality. A place where you can merge your passion and your coursework or invent a new way to make an impact on the world.

Campus Traditions

Embrace RIT’s tradition of tiger pride by taking part in one of our many campus-wide events and programs. 
Learn more

New Student Orientation

Welcoming our newest Tigers to the RIT family from Aug. 18-25, 2024!
Learn more about Orientation >

Students outdoors doing yoga

Wellness at RIT

Health and well-being are integral to your success here at RIT and because of that, we have embedded wellness-related programs and opportunities into all aspects of student life. From our required wellness course requirements to our Tigers Care culture and community commitment, we continue to weave health and happiness into all that we do.

Faces of RIT

Our Stories