RIT Top 100
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- RIT Top 100
Start building your RIT bucket list. Fellow RIT Tigers helped you get started by creating our very own RIT Top 100.

Study abroad at least once at one of our five global campuses.

Attend College Night at the Memorial Art Gallery.

Join the Corner Crew and cheer on the RIT Hockey Teams.

Learn more ASL by going to No Voice Zone.

Take one of the following classes: Wines of The World, Beers of The World, Food of the World.

Visit the Rochester Public Market.

Go to at least one of the many Rochester area festivals.

Go to Imagine RIT, or even better – participate as an exhibitor or volunteer.

Join an intramural sports team and become intramural champions.

Eat at any of the amazing restaurants on Park Ave.

Take advantage of all the free giveaways at FreezeFest – it’s an RIT tradition.

Sing along to the artist performing at our annual SpringFest concert.

Try Rochester's local dish: the “Garbage Plate" at Nick Tahou Hots or dogTown.

Participate in Humans vs. Zombies.

Enjoy the beautiful views on a hike through Letchworth State Park.

Get dirty for a good cause and participate in the annual Mud Tug event.

Check out the abandoned subway in downtown Rochester.

Join one of RIT’s 300+ clubs.

See the Student Government Distinguished Speaker during Brick City Homecoming and Family Weekend.

Try all the amazing visiting chefs that come to RIT dining locations each week.

Climb at the Red Barn – RIT’s own indoor rock climbing facility.

Visit the annual Lilac Festival to welcome spring.

Go check out the view at High Falls on a sunny day and eat at Genesee Brew House.

Test your knowledge or learn to code during BrickHack or WiCHack.

Visit the Campus Center for free popcorn from Student Government.

Take a trip to Niagara Falls, Canada, with your friends.

Spend a summer in Rochester.

Decide for yourself which is better: Dinosaur BBQ or Good Smoke BBQ.

Cheer on your favorite athletic team and attend a Tiger Den Event.

Jump off the high dive in the pool in the Gordon Field House.

See an NTID production at Panara Theatre.

Attend the annual Lighting the Way welcome ceremony.

Go see the pelt of Spirit, RIT’s one-time live Bengal Tiger mascot, in the RIT Archive Collections on the third floor of The Wallace Library.

Use the whisper wall in Sol Heumann Quad.

Walk on the pier at Ontario Beach Park in Charlotte with some Abbotts Custard.

Take a wellness class in something you have never tried before – Nerfology? Billiards?

Brave the cold and go to Ben and Jerry’s for discounted ice cream. The colder it is, the better the discount.

Attend at least one College Activities Board event each semester.

Check out a sorority or a fraternity event on campus.

Eat a “Turkey Day” lunch in the Brick City Cafe. It’s like Thanksgiving dinner.

Eat at Jay’s Diner.

Apply for a student leadership position such as Student Government, Orientation, or Residence Life.

Attend a L.A.N Party or join RIT Esports.

Volunteer or participate in the annual spring anime event, Tora-Con.

Star gaze from the roof deck on top of Frank E. Gannett Hall.

Paint a mural in the tunnels of dorms.

Go to Sunflower Festival at Wickham Farms.

During Halloween, get spooked at a haunted happening in Greater Rochester.

Go to Mt. Hope Cemetery and find Susan B. Anthony’s grave.

Be a part of Service Week through the Center for Leadership & Civic Engagement.

Join your friends for a fun night at Ritchie’s Game Room.

Be a kid again and visit the Strong National Museum of Play.

Find out what the hype is all about – go to Wegmans.

Immerse yourself in the Rochester culture and attend the Rochester Fringe Festival.

Be less stressed and pet dogs at Bow Wow Wellness.

Visit Artisan Works.

Participate in Relay for Life.

Attend the RIT Men’s Hockey game at the Blue Cross Arena – played during Brick City Homecoming and Family Weekend.

Order D.P. Dough late at night.

Ride the Tiger Statue.

Going skiing or snowboarding at Bristol Mountain.

Go to Highland Park and see everything it has to offer.

Get Bubble Tea on campus.

Take a study break and roll in the red chairs in the library.

Participate in Alternative Spring Break.

Visit the Seneca Park Zoo.

Explore the Eastman Museum – home of George Eastman.

Go to the Rochester Museum and Science Center.

Print something 3D at The Construct.

Take a moment to relax and go to the Koi Pond by James E. Booth Hall.

Go see a new movie at the Vintage Drive-in in Rochester.

Run/walk any of the 5K’s on campus.

Attend an off-campus event hosted by the College Activities Board.

Attend and participate in a Gray Matter Discussion.

Enter a Poetry Slam.

Take a studio class with the College of Art and Design.

Donate to the FoodShare on campus.

Take a boat tour or walk along the Erie Canal.

Go to a Rochester Red Wings, Rochester Amerks, and Rochester Knighthawks game to cheer on our local sports teams.

Grab a late night snack at The Corner Store.

Feed the birds at Bird Song Trail in Mendon Ponds Park and visit Wild Wings Inc.

Attend the Career Fair.

Go to the Food Truck Rodeo at the Rochester Public Market.

Float in the current channel (lazy river) or enjoy the hot tub at the Judson/Hale Aquatics Center in the Gordon Field House.

Purchase a gift for a friend at Shop One.

Explore Rochester on a Pace bike.

Walk or jog on the on campus nature trails.

Eat a Vermonster (with friends) at Ben & Jerry’s.

Try a Mascot sandwich from the RITz.

Take a cultural or community service trip with Into the ROC.

Catch a movie for $2 at Movies 10 on Tuesdays.

Go to Millennium Games and check out the used games section.

Try foods from various cultures at one of the RIT Dining special events.

Buy a cookie for a friend or a stranger at Artesano Bakery and Café.

Enjoy the warm weather months by studying or eating lunch outside in Global Village.

Purchase RIT swag at the Campus Store.

Go for a walk on the Genesee Riverway Trail.

Watch pumpkins fly at the Pumpkin Chunkin’ event during Brick City Homecoming and Family Weekend.

Watch an RIT Quidditch match.

Take a photo with your friends or family on the RIT Tiger Statue.