Morgan Monteith

My parents were my biggest fans and strongest supporters. They truly loved my brother and me more than anything. My seemingly perfect childhood took a new turn in high school, though, when my dad passed away unexpectedly from a heart attack.
In the midst of processing and adjusting to my loss, I needed to make a decision about college. I loved soccer and wanted to play at RIT, but was afraid of moving away and losing the support that got me through the loss of my dad. My mom, brother and I all depended on each other but now I was thinking about leaving. Could I handle another big change? I didn’t know.
Finally I decided I had to keep my life moving forward by coming to RIT. It was a big risk and I was apprehensive, but when I got here, I found a support system in my coaches and teammates. Soccer is an outlet for me, and my team is my home away from home.
After so much sadness and change I took a big chance by coming to RIT, but it was the right decision. I’ve learned it is okay to lean on others and there is nothing wrong with needing help and not being okay. It is a never-ending process, but there are people who care about me and are glad to help. I had to make a choice, accept my new normal and embrace even more change, to put my future first and continue moving forward.
Morgan Monteith