Technology Entrepreneurship Adv. Cert. - Curriculum

Technology Entrepreneurship Adv. Cert.

Technology Entrepreneurship, advanced certificate, typical course sequence

Course Sem. Cr. Hrs.
First Year
Financing New Ventures
A focus on financial issues affecting an entrepreneur. The course emphasizes, identifies, and follows the wealth creation cycle. The wealth creation cycle begins with an idea for a good, product or service, progresses to an initial company startup, passes through successive stages of growth, considers alternative approaches to resource financing, and ends with harvesting the wealth created through an initial public offering, merger or sale. Identification and valuation of business opportunities, how and from whom entrepreneurs raise funds, how financial contracts are structured to both manage risk and align incentives, and alternative approaches by which entrepreneurs identify exit strategies are reviewed. Lecture 3 (Fall).
Entrepreneurship and Technology Entrepreneurship
This course studies the process of creating new ventures with an emphasis on understanding the role of the entrepreneur in identifying opportunities, seeking capital and other resources, and managing the formation and growth of a new venture. Lecture 3 (Fall, Spring, Summer).
Choose one of the following:
 Technology Entrepreneurship
This course addresses the unique challenges for the entrepreneur in management of value capture through innovation, and the importance of technology-based innovation for the establishment and growth of the new venture in global products and services industries. The course integrates four major themes: (1) Appropriability and Entrepreneurial Innovation (2) the relationships between innovation, value creation, and value capture amongst customers, stakeholders, and the marketplace, (3) the role of technology in creating global competitive advance in both product-based and services-based industries, and (4) developing and monitoring the operational framework for the delivery of new value in products and services. (Prerequisites: MGMT-720 or equivalent course.) Lecture 3 (Spring).
 Management of Innovation
This course addresses the management of innovation, sustainable technology, and the importance of technology-based innovation for the growth of the global products and services industries. The course integrates three major themes: (1) leading-edge concepts in innovation, (2) the role of technology in creating global competitive advance in both product-based and services-based industries, and (3) the responsibility of businesses related to sustainability. The importance of digital technology as an enabler of innovative services is covered throughout the course. (completion of four graduate business courses) Lecture 3 (Fall, Spring, Summer).
Choose one of the following:
 Global Entrepreneurship
Global entrepreneurs need to utilize both domestic and overseas resources, explore transnational opportunities, and leverage worldwide networks at early stages of the development. This course is designed to address the unique challenges of this global challenge, as well as the richer opportunities faced by the “born globals.” Students will learn how to discover, evaluate, and enact opportunities across national borders in order to create goods and services that serve various company goals. Students will also be informed of the competitive strategies normally adopted by international entrepreneurs in other major economies such as EU, China, and India. Lecture 3 (Spring).
 Applied Venture Creation
This graduate course enables students to learn the entrepreneurial (value creation) process by advancing a business idea. The course provides weekly seminars focusing on customer discovery and business model development and weekly coaching mentoring sessions with an established entrepreneur/early stage marketer. The project is team based. Students may enter the course with a business concept or be integrated into an existing team in the course. Lecture 3 (Fall, Spring, Summer).
 Independent Study Management
The student will work independently under the supervision of a faculty adviser. *Note: Instructor approval Ind Study 3 (Fall, Spring, Summer).
 Incubator/lab time via MGMT-799 (Independent Study Management)
Total Semester Credit Hours