Ceramics MFA - Curriculum

Ceramics MFA

Ceramics, MFA degree, typical course sequence

Course Sem. Cr. Hrs.
First Year
Ceramics Practice
This course will explore advanced aesthetics and techniques of ceramics. Course content is structured on the basis of the individual student’s needs, interests, and background preparation. There will be a strengthening of ceramics techniques, design fundamentals, and encouragement of personal expression. The student will be encouraged to evaluate new techniques, materials, and concepts. **Fee: A materials fee is required for this course, and an additional course fee applied via student account** (This course is restricted to CAD degree-seeking graduate students.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring).
Ceramic Processes
Students will build upon their experience to further advance the technical, aesthetic and conceptual understanding of ceramic form and surface. This course will work from a set of prompts which will provide parameters for building individual bodies of work in a variety of different forming processes. Students will work from conceptual and contextual prompts to gain insight and build skills with advanced forming processes, surface investigation, idea development, and documentation. **Fee: A materials fee is required for this course, and an additional course fee applied via student account** (This course is restricted to CAD degree-seeking graduate students.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring).
Technology in the Studio
This course will introduce a contemporary technology used by the course instructor in their studio practice. Students will be encouraged to investigate how this technology may be applied in their making process. The subjects offered in the course will vary according to the faculty teaching the class. The course can be taken multiple times with faculty permission. (This course is available to RIT degree-seeking graduate students.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring).
Studio Art Research
This course will prepare graduate students for the written component of the thesis. Course content will cover defining research in the arts, arts based research, research through practice, critical judgment, writing strategically and critically for reflective thinking and scholarly dissemination. At the completion of this course students will be able to write a thesis proposal addressing a research question or direction along with objectives, context, and methods. (Prerequisites: STAR-701 or equivalent course.) Lecture 3 (Spring).
Ideation and Series
Creative flow, having an endless stream of ideas, alternatives, and choices for solutions, helps creative work evolve and reach more advanced levels. In this course students develop appropriate skills and strategies to generate ideas and develop them effectively into a cohesive body of work. (Prerequisites: This course is restricted to students in the FNAS-MFA or GLASS-MFA or METAL-MFA or CCER-MFA or WOOD-MFA programs.) Studio 6 (Fall).
Open Electives
Professional Elective
Second Year
Ceramics Practice
This course will explore advanced aesthetics and techniques of ceramics. Course content is structured on the basis of the individual student’s needs, interests, and background preparation. There will be a strengthening of ceramics techniques, design fundamentals, and encouragement of personal expression. The student will be encouraged to evaluate new techniques, materials, and concepts. **Fee: A materials fee is required for this course, and an additional course fee applied via student account** (This course is restricted to CAD degree-seeking graduate students.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring).
Ceramic Processes
Students will build upon their experience to further advance the technical, aesthetic and conceptual understanding of ceramic form and surface. This course will work from a set of prompts which will provide parameters for building individual bodies of work in a variety of different forming processes. Students will work from conceptual and contextual prompts to gain insight and build skills with advanced forming processes, surface investigation, idea development, and documentation. **Fee: A materials fee is required for this course, and an additional course fee applied via student account** (This course is restricted to CAD degree-seeking graduate students.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring).
Business Practices for Studio Artists
This class is devoted to business issues that artists must address including portfolio management, pricing and marketing strategies, and public relations for pursuit of a professional career as studio artists. Financial and communication skills are highlighted as are networking skills for the advancement of an artist’s work. (Prerequisites: This course is restricted to students in the FNAS-MFA or GLASS-MFA or METAL-MFA or CCER-MFA or WOOD-MFA programs.) Lecture 3 (Spring).
Research Methods and Publication
Students will conduct research appropriate for individual thesis directions, incorporate that research into writing, analyze and review their thesis body of work then produce and publish their written thesis document. (Prerequisites: STAR-702 or equivalent course.) Lecture 3 (Spring).
Research and Thesis
This is the first of two courses designed to advance a student towards completion of their thesis. Students will work independently on their approved proposal while meeting on a regular basis with their committee chair. Students are required to meet at least twice with their full committee during the semester. (Prerequisites: STAR-702 or equivalent course.) Thesis (Fall).
For this final thesis course students continue working with their committee to evaluate work produced, and select the work to be exhibited. In addition, students will work with gallery coordinators and curators to install and exhibit their final body of work. Students are expected to defend their work to the committee through an oral defense and a written document. (Prerequisite: STAR-790 or equivalent course.) Thesis (Spring).
Open Elective
Total Semester Credit Hours

Professional Electives

Any ARTH-600 level course or above
This course explores the history of contemporary art and visual culture from postmodernism to the present. We will focus on major artistic movements such as Pop Art, Minimalism, Conceptualism, Performance Art, and Relational Aesthetics. Along with and inseparable from aesthetics and media, we will chart the ways in which class, gender, race, and sexual inequality have figured into the major aesthetic movements of our time. By reading theory and criticism, discussing artworks across media forms, and researching artistic movements in context, students will examine art since the 1960s and its connections to cultural history. Graduate students will complete a research project and class presentation in addition to the writing assignments and discussion expected in the undergraduate section. Lecture 3 (Spring).
Thinking About Making: The Practice of Art in a Global Society
The course seeks to bridge the gap between studio practice and contemporary art history. Course content will explore current work and ask questions about what is art, who is the audience, what is “our” art making practice, and how does that fit within the larger context of the current state of the global art world. How do we measure success and artistic failure? The course emphasizes observation, critical analysis, and written interpretation. Lecture 3 (Fall, Spring).
College Teaching and Learning
This course will provide students with an introduction to the scholarship of teaching and learning in the university environment. Students will explore a range of perspectives on pedagogical practice, curriculum development and the assessment of learning in a studio, lab and seminar based classroom. Additionally, students will focus on ways that students learn, how learning can be improved, and different methods of conducting research into teaching and learning. Students are expected to write critical papers and essays, develop curriculum resources, and to participate in weekly small and large format discussion groups. Online technology is utilized in addition to lectures, videos, and other forms of media. (This course is restricted to CAD degree-seeking graduate students.) Lecture 3 (Fall).
Curating and Managing Art Spaces
This course explores the roles of contemporary, traditional, and alternative art spaces through curatorial studies, exhibition evaluation and criticism. Student will consider gallery administration roles and supporting operations, and undertake site visitations and gallery research. Students will organize and install a final exhibition project in an approved exhibition venue. (This class is restricted to degree-seeking graduate students or those with permission from instructor.) Lecture 3 (Fall).
Art Exhibition Critique
This course will explore the role of the art exhibition and its effect on the discourse and practice of art. Course content will focus on: contemporary and historical exhibition studies, individual and group projects. Student will also conduct site visitations and evaluation, and critique work in the context of exhibition. (This class is restricted to degree-seeking graduate students or those with permission from instructor.) Lecture 3 (Fall).
Studio Art Critique
Students will explore the process of critical analysis of studio work. Content will focus on the structure and form of the critique process. They will discuss, defend, and interpret existing studio work as they work towards their thesis. Faculty led critiques will include studio visits for in depth analysis of works in progress. (Prerequisites: This course is restricted to students in the FNAS-MFA or GLASS-MFA or METAL-MFA or CCER-MFA or WOOD-MFA programs.) Lecture 3 (Fall, Spring).