Global Supply Chain Management MS - Curriculum

Global Supply Chain Management MS

Global Supply Chain Management, MS degree, typical course sequence

Course Sem. Cr. Hrs.
First Year
Operations and Supply Chain Management
Study of the management of operations and supply chain management. Encompasses both manufacturing and services. Topics include operations and supply chain strategy, ethical behavior, forecasting; work systems, inventory management, capacity and materials planning, lean operation, supply chain design and closed-loop supply chains, global operations, quality management, quality control, and quality improvement, project management; and current issues. (Prerequisites: DECS-782 or MGIS-650 or equivalent course.) Lecture 3 (Fall, Spring, Summer).
Supply Chain Analysis
This course provides an overview of quantitative supply chain modeling and analysis. Accordingly, this course will discuss several strategic, tactical, and operational concepts used in improving the distribution of goods and services throughout the supply chain. The course emphasis is on understanding when and how to use these mathematical programming and optimization methods as well as how to interpret the results for actionable information. (Prerequisites: DECS-743 or equivalent course.) Lecture 3 (Spring).
Global Business Analytics
This course is designed to help students, regardless their backgrounds, to identify global business opportunities, possess necessary analytical skills to evaluate these opportunities, and understand the strategies to explore these opportunities to serve transnational businesses’ goals. Students will be exposed to a variety of analytical skill sets such as collecting and analyzing institutional and primary international business data, reading the multinational firm-level data and understanding how global expansion impacts firms’ bottom lines, developing foreign exchange hedging strategies, and apprehending the basic practices of international trade and foreign investment. (This class is restricted to degree-seeking graduate students or those with permission from instructor.) Lecture 3 (Fall).
Export, Import, and Global Sourcing
Exporting, importing, global sourcing and cross-border investing practice is detailed-oriented and complex. Market forces and government regulations create challenges and opportunities to move goods, services and capital between nations. Students will study issues of compliance, risk assessment and management, analyze international information, understand logistics and intermediaries, and management of international payments and financing. Students will be able to apply their knowledge and skills to the practice of cross border transactions. Lecture 3 (Fall, Spring).
This course is designed to teach the art and science of negotiation so that one can negotiate successfully in a variety of settings, within one's day-to-day experiences and, especially, within the broad spectrum of negotiation problems faced by managers and other professionals. Individual class sessions will explore the many ways that people think about and practice negotiation skills and strategies in a variety of contexts. Lecture 3 (Fall, Spring).
Global Supply Chain Management Electives
Choose one of the following:
   Graduate Project
This course is used to fulfill the graduate project requirement for the MS degree in management. The candidate must obtain approval from an appropriate faculty member to supervise the paper before registering for this course. A corporate-oriented research project designed by the candidate and his or her advisor to explore a salient management-related issue. (This course is restricted to MGMT-MS Major students.) Project (Spring, Summer).
 Field Exam Prep, plus one (1) Global Supply Chain Management Elective
All MS-Management students who do not complete a capstone project will take a field exam at the end of their program. This course provides basic help to students taking this exam. *Note: All required courses in the MS-Management program. (This course is restricted to MGMT-MS Major students.) Comp Exam 3 (Fall, Spring, Summer).
Total Semester Credit Hours

Global Supply Chain Management Electives

Choose at least two of the following (6-9 credits):
 Advanced Business Analytics
This course provides foundational, advanced knowledge in the realm of business analytics. Advanced topics such as machine learning, analysis of structured data, text mining, and network analysis are covered. Industry standard tools such as R and Python are extensively used in completing student projects. (Prerequisite: BANA-680 or equivalent course.) Lecture 3 (Spring).
 Project Management
A study in the principles of project management and the application of various tools and techniques for project planning and control. This course focuses on the leadership role of the project manager, and the roles and responsibilities of the team members. Considerable emphasis is placed on statements of work and work breakdown structures. The course uses a combination of lecture/discussion, group exercises, and case studies. (This class is restricted to degree-seeking graduate students or those with permission from instructor.) Lecture 3 (Fall, Spring).
 Quality Control and Improvement
 Lean Six Sigma Fundamentals
This course presents the philosophy and methods that enable participants to develop quality strategies and drive process improvements. The fundamental elements of Lean Six Sigma are covered along with many problem solving and statistical tools that are valuable in driving process improvements in a broad range of business environments and industries. Successful completion of this course is accompanied by “yellow belt” certification and provides a solid foundation for those who also wish to pursue a “green belt.” (Green belt certification requires completion of an approved project which is beyond the scope of this course). (This course is restricted to degree-seeking graduate students and dual degree BS/MS or BS/ME students in KGCOE.) Lecture 3 (Fall, Spring, Summer).
 Data Management and Analytics
This course discusses issues associated with data capture, organization, storage, extraction, and modeling for planned and ad hoc reporting. Enables student to model data by developing conceptual and semantic data models. Techniques taught for managing the design and development of large database systems including logical data models, concurrent processing, data distributions, database administration, data warehousing, data cleansing, and data mining. Lecture 3 (Spring).
 Integrated Business Systems
This course focuses on the concepts and technologies associated with Integrated Business Information Systems and the managerial decisions related to the implementation and ongoing application of these systems. Topics include business integration and common patterns of systems integration technology including enterprise resource planning (ERP), enterprise application integration (EAI) and data integration. The key managerial and organizational issues in selecting the appropriate technology and successful implementation are discussed. Hands-on experience with the SAP R/3 system is utilized to enable students to demonstrate concepts related to integrated business systems. (familiarity with MS Office suite and Internet browsers) Lecture 3 (Spring).
 Marketing Analytics
This course provides an overview of marketing analytics in the context of marketing research, product portfolios, social media monitoring, sentiment analysis, customer retention, clustering techniques, and customer lifetime value calculation. Students will be introduced to, mathematical and statistical models used in these applications and their implementation using statistical tools and programming languages such as SAS, SPSS, Python and R. Multiple data sources will be used ranging from structured data from company databases, scanner data, social media data, text data in the form of customer reviews, and research databases. Students will complete guided projects using real time data and make effective use of visualization to add impact to their reports. There are no listed pre or co-requisites; however, instructor permission is required – student aptitude for quantitative work will be assessed; waived for students enrolled in quantitative programs such as the MS-Computational Finance which have pre-requisites in the areas of calculus, linear algebra, and programming. Lecture 3 (Spring).
Choose at least one of the following (3-6 credits):
 Managing for Environmental Sustainability
Environmental sustainability means satisfying today's ecological needs without compromising the ability to meet tomorrow's needs. This course will examine how firms can use sustainable practices, such as pollution prevention and green design, and still be successful in a competitive marketplace. The course will look at the concept of environmental sustainability and the current state of social and political pressures for more sustainable business practices. It will also explore successful sustainable business strategies, and the management processes needed to support them. Lecture 3 (Spring).
 Management of Innovation
This course addresses the management of innovation, sustainable technology, and the importance of technology-based innovation for the growth of the global products and services industries. The course integrates three major themes: (1) leading-edge concepts in innovation, (2) the role of technology in creating global competitive advance in both product-based and services-based industries, and (3) the responsibility of businesses related to sustainability. The importance of digital technology as an enabler of innovative services is covered throughout the course. (completion of four graduate business courses) Lecture 3 (Fall, Spring, Summer).
 Leading Teams in Organizations
This course examines why people behave as they do in organizations and what managers can do to improve organizational performance by influencing people's behavior. Students will learn a number of frameworks for diagnosing and dealing with managerial challenges dynamics at the individual, group and organizational level. Topics include leadership, motivation, team building, conflict, organizational change, cultures, decision making, and ethical leadership. Lecture 3 (Fall, Spring, Summer).
 Marketing Concepts and Commercialization
An introduction to contemporary principles and practices of marketing. The course is structured around the process of marketing planning leading to the development of successful marketing strategies, including the commercialization of products and services in domestic and international environments. Focus is on environmental scanning techniques, setting and evaluating measurable objectives, innovating and controlling the interrelated components of product/service offering, planning and executing the marketing mix (channels of distribution, price, and promotion), and enhancing customer relationships through the delivery of customer value. Lecture 3 (Fall, Spring, Summer).
 Strategic Marketing Management
This course is an advanced study of the strategic and operational decisions facing a marketing executive today. Topics covered include market segmentation, branding and positioning, channel management, strategic pricing, marketing communications, marketing analytics and marketing in the new social economy. The course will present various concepts and tools for evaluating the marketplace (external environment, competitors, marketing opportunities and threats), and analyzing marketing strategies. Time will be spent on developing, evaluating and implementing marketing strategy at the corporate level using case analysis and formal decision making techniques. Students will be expected to make use of analytical, problem solving and communication skills to drive the development of a marketing plan focused on an actual company. The course also includes a business simulation with emphasis on advanced marketing management skills (Capsim: Capstone). The course will weave together a study of classical marketing theory and strategic planning with applied marketing management skills within the context of a business simulation. (Prerequisites: MKTG-761 or equivalent course.) Lecture 3 (Spring).