Chemistry MS - Curriculum

Chemistry MS

Chemistry (thesis option), MS degree, typical course sequence

Course Sem. Cr. Hrs.
First Year
Graduate Chemistry Writing
Chemists are required to communicate information about their research, laboratory, and themselves in writing. This course is designed to develop these skills. Students will learn how to write a curriculum vitae, resume, laboratory overview, short and long research abstracts, and scientific research articles using the various formats and styles used by chemists. An integral part of the writing of a research article is the initial formulation of the research hypothesis and design of experiments to test the hypothesis. This course will also review and stress the importance of these components. (Prerequisites: Graduate standing in CHEM-MS.) Lecture 1 (Fall).
Graduate Chemistry Seminar I
Chemists are required to communicate information about their research, laboratory, and themselves orally. Graduate Chemistry Seminar I is the first in a series of four courses designed to develop the ability to assimilate useful information and organize a chemistry seminar while increasing a student's breadth and depth of knowledge of chemical research topics. This seminar requires the students to attend weekly chemistry seminars and write seminar summaries. Additionally, each student will present a seminar on their proposed research that also summarizes the scientific literature related to the research. (Prerequisites: Graduate standing in CHEM-MS.) Lecture 1 (Fall).
Graduate Chemistry Seminar II
Chemists are required to communicate information about their research, laboratory, and themselves orally. Graduate Chemistry Seminar II is the second in a series of four courses designed to develop the ability to assimilate useful information and organize a chemistry seminar while increasing a student's breadth and depth of knowledge of chemical research topics. This seminar requires the students to attend weekly chemistry seminars and write seminar summaries. (Prerequisites: CHEM-771 or equivalent course.) Lecture 1 (Spring).
Research & Thesis
Dissertation research by the candidate for an appropriate topic as arranged between the candidate and the research advisor. (Enrollment in this course requires permission from the department offering the course.) Thesis (Fall, Spring, Summer).
Graduate Chemistry Focus Courses
Second Year
Graduate Chemistry Seminar III
Chemists are required to communicate information about their research, laboratory, and themselves orally. Graduate Chemistry Seminar III is the third in a series of four courses designed to develop the ability to assimilate useful information and organize a chemistry seminar while increasing a student's breadth and depth of knowledge of chemical research topics. This seminar requires students to attend weekly chemistry seminars and write seminar summaries throughout the four semesters. Additionally, each student must invite, organize, host, and introduce an external seminar speaker to participate in the Chemistry Seminar Series. (Prerequisites: CHEM-772 or equivalent course.) Lecture 1 (Fall).
Graduate Chemistry Seminar IV
Professional chemists are required to communicate information about their research, laboratory, and themselves orally. Graduate Chemistry Seminar IV is the fourth in a series of four courses designed to develop the ability to assimilate useful information and organize a chemistry seminar while increasing a student's breadth and depth of knowledge of chemical research topics. This seminar requires the students to attend weekly chemistry seminars and write seminar summaries. Additionally, each student will present a seminar summarizing their thesis research at RIT which serves as the public portion of their thesis defense. (Prerequisites: CHEM-773 or equivalent course.) Lecture 1 (Spring).
Research & Thesis
Dissertation research by the candidate for an appropriate topic as arranged between the candidate and the research advisor. (Enrollment in this course requires permission from the department offering the course.) Thesis (Fall, Spring, Summer).
Graduate Chemistry Focus Course
Total Semester Credit Hours

Chemistry (project option), MS degree, typical course sequence

Course Sem. Cr. Hrs.
First Year
Graduate Chemistry Seminar I
Chemists are required to communicate information about their research, laboratory, and themselves orally. Graduate Chemistry Seminar I is the first in a series of four courses designed to develop the ability to assimilate useful information and organize a chemistry seminar while increasing a student's breadth and depth of knowledge of chemical research topics. This seminar requires the students to attend weekly chemistry seminars and write seminar summaries. Additionally, each student will present a seminar on their proposed research that also summarizes the scientific literature related to the research. (Prerequisites: Graduate standing in CHEM-MS.) Lecture 1 (Fall).
Graduate Chemistry Seminar II
Chemists are required to communicate information about their research, laboratory, and themselves orally. Graduate Chemistry Seminar II is the second in a series of four courses designed to develop the ability to assimilate useful information and organize a chemistry seminar while increasing a student's breadth and depth of knowledge of chemical research topics. This seminar requires the students to attend weekly chemistry seminars and write seminar summaries. (Prerequisites: CHEM-771 or equivalent course.) Lecture 1 (Spring).
Graduate Chemistry Writing
Chemists are required to communicate information about their research, laboratory, and themselves in writing. This course is designed to develop these skills. Students will learn how to write a curriculum vitae, resume, laboratory overview, short and long research abstracts, and scientific research articles using the various formats and styles used by chemists. An integral part of the writing of a research article is the initial formulation of the research hypothesis and design of experiments to test the hypothesis. This course will also review and stress the importance of these components. (Prerequisites: Graduate standing in CHEM-MS.) Lecture 1 (Fall).
Graduate Chemistry Focus Courses
Second Year
Graduate Chemistry Seminar III
Chemists are required to communicate information about their research, laboratory, and themselves orally. Graduate Chemistry Seminar III is the third in a series of four courses designed to develop the ability to assimilate useful information and organize a chemistry seminar while increasing a student's breadth and depth of knowledge of chemical research topics. This seminar requires students to attend weekly chemistry seminars and write seminar summaries throughout the four semesters. Additionally, each student must invite, organize, host, and introduce an external seminar speaker to participate in the Chemistry Seminar Series. (Prerequisites: CHEM-772 or equivalent course.) Lecture 1 (Fall).
Graduate Chemistry Seminar IV
Professional chemists are required to communicate information about their research, laboratory, and themselves orally. Graduate Chemistry Seminar IV is the fourth in a series of four courses designed to develop the ability to assimilate useful information and organize a chemistry seminar while increasing a student's breadth and depth of knowledge of chemical research topics. This seminar requires the students to attend weekly chemistry seminars and write seminar summaries. Additionally, each student will present a seminar summarizing their thesis research at RIT which serves as the public portion of their thesis defense. (Prerequisites: CHEM-773 or equivalent course.) Lecture 1 (Spring).
Chemistry Project
Chemistry project accomplished by the MS student for an appropriate topic as arranged between the candidate and the project advisor. (Enrollment in this course requires permission from the department offering the course.) Project (Fall, Spring, Summer).
Graduate Chemistry Focus Courses
Total Semester Credit Hours

* Students must complete at least 1 semester credit hour (sch) of CHEM-780, but may elect to take up to 4 sch of CHEM-780 in place of one (1) Chemistry Focus Course.

Chemistry Focus Courses

Course Sem. Cr. Hrs.
Advanced Instrumental Analysis Lab
This is a capstone course requiring students to develop experimental protocols involving advanced techniques in instrumental analysis. This course is intended to give an opportunity to develop innovative skills and writing proficiency. Library, literature and textbook research will be required. (Prerequisites: CHMB-405 or CHMP-445 or Graduate Standing in CHEM-MS.) Lab 6 (Spring).
Chemical Separations and Mass Spectrometry
This course will teach state of the art chemical separations and methods which are coupled to mass spectroscopy for the modern analysis of pharmaceutical and biotechnology samples in industrial and academic laboratories. These include gas chromatography (GC, GC-MS), high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC, LC-MS), solid phase extraction (SPE and SPME), size exclusion/gel permeation (SEC, GPC), and ion exchange chromatography (IXC). Aspects of mass spectroscopy including ionization methods of electron impact (EI), chemical ionization (CI), positive and negative electrospray (ES+, ES-), APCI, and MALDI and techniques involving single and multiple ion/reaction methods (SIM, SRM, MRM) will be included. The separation and analysis of peptides, proteins and pharmaceuticals by LC and LC-MS will be a major focus. Isolation of drug metabolites from serum by SPE followed by HPLC analysis or using size exclusion chromatography to separate biomolecules, or labeling a peptide with a near infrared (NIR) dye are examples of important skills that are learned. (Prerequisites: (CHMG-111 or CHMG-131 or CHMG-141 or CHEM-151) and (CHMG-145 or CHEM-155) and (CHMO-231 or CHMO-331) or equivalent courses.) Lab 3, Lecture 2 (Spring).
Advanced Concepts of Environmental Chemistry
This course will build on previous chemistry courses to expand knowledge of biogeochemical cycles, environmental toxicology and applied methods of environmental analysis. The course will be conducted in a workshop format at the graduate level. (Prerequisites: CHMO-231 and CHMO-235 or CHMO-331 and CHMO-335 or equivalent courses.) Lecture 3 (Spring).
Advanced Instrumental Analysis
The theory, applications, and limitations of selected instrumental methods in qualitative, quantitative and structural analysis will be discussed. This course is also intended to give an opportunity to develop writing and revising abilities, as well as communication skills. Library, literature, and textbook research will be required. (Prerequisite: CHMA-261 or equivalent course or graduate student standing.) Lecture 3 (Fall).
The Magnetic Resonance Family
This course presents the magnetic resonance family of techniques. General techniques include nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), electron spin resonance (ESR), nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR), and muon spin resonance (mSR). Each technique will be presented in enough detail to give the student an appreciation of its capabilities and an understanding the theory of the spectroscopy. (Prerequisites: Graduate standing in CHEM-MS.) Lecture 3 (Fall).
Practical NMR
A graduate level lecture and laboratory course designed to teach a student how to use a Bruker high-resolution NMR spectrometer to perform a variety of chemical analyses. Students are presented a series of brief descriptions of how to perform various functions and experiments on a Bruker NMR. Students then receive hands-on training and perform the experiment. Specific operations taught include: file management, magnet shimming, probe tuning, parameter optimization, pulse sequence development, one-dimensional and two-dimensional acquisitions, variable temperature studies, data processing, diffusion measurements, and measuring relaxation times. This course serves as mechanism to gain different levels of access to the Chemistry Department's NMR spectrometers. (Prerequisites: CHMO-332 or CHMA-221 or equivalent course or graduate standing in CHEM-MS.) Lecture 5 (Spring).
NMR Spectrometer Maintenance
This course is designed to introduce the technical aspects of keeping a magnetic resonance system operating. The theory of operation of the magnet, radio frequency, pulse programmer, computer, and supporting subsystems of a magnetic resonance instrument will be studied. Emphasis is placed on relating theory to achievable practice and the consequences of differences between the two. Techniques for troubleshooting problems will be presented and developed. (Prerequisites: CHMA-725 and CHMP-747 and CHMA-740 or equivalent courses.) Lecture 3 (Fall).
Advanced Protein Biochemistry: Structure and Function
This course analyzes protein structure function relationships. Students will investigate how proteins function and how the structure relates to that function. The principles that explain enzyme rate enhancements and mechanistic enzymology will be examined. Additionally, protein superfamilies for phylogenetic relationships will be explored to enhance understanding of protein structure-function relationships. Students will read and discuss the current scientific literature and classic papers. (Prerequisites: CHMB-402 or equivalent course or degree-seeking graduate students or those with permission from instructor.) Lecture 3 (Spring).
Protein Conformation and Dynamics
An advanced study of the structure and function of proteins and enzymes. Biophysical and mechanistic aspects of enzyme function will be examined. Applications of computation to protein structure will also be discussed. (Prerequisites: CHMB-402 or equivalent course or degree-seeking graduate students or those with permission from instructor.) Lecture 3 (Fall).
Advanced Nucleic Acids Biochemistry; Structure and Function
This course will cover nucleic acid structures as determined by NMR and X-ray crystallography and nucleic acid catalysis, especially that of ribozymes. Genomics, specifically whole-genome sequencing papers, will be analyzed. Current RNA topics including the RNA World, Ribozymes, RNAi, and Riboswitches will be discussed. Current DNA topics including Lateral/Horizontal DNA Transfer, Genome Duplication, Alternate Gene Expression and Synthetic Life will also be discussed. (Prerequisites: CHMB-402 or equivalent course or degree-seeking graduate students or those with permission from instructor.) Lecture 3 (Fall, Spring).
Modern Inorganic Chemistry
This course provides an advanced investigation into fundamental principles of inorganic chemistry. Topics covered include molecular symmetry, molecular orbital theory, solid state chemistry, ligand field theory, and the application of physical techniques used in inorganic chemistry. The course will begin with a discussion of symmetry elements and operations, followed by a detailed examination of point groups and their applications to molecular symmetry. The course will then cover molecular orbital theory, including the construction of molecular orbitals and their use in predicting the properties of molecules. The course will also cover solid state chemistry, including crystal structures, defects, and electronic properties of solids. Ligand field theory will be introduced, including the use of symmetry and group theory to understand the electronic structure of transition metal complexes. Finally, the course will cover physical techniques used in inorganic chemistry, including X-ray diffraction, NMR spectroscopy, and electron microscopy. (Prerequisites: CHMI-464 or equivalent course or graduate student standing.) Lecture 3 (Fall).
Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compounds
This course covers the theory and application of proton, carbon-13, and correlation nuclear magnetic resonance, infrared, and mass spectrometry for organic structure determination. (Prerequisites: CHMO-332 with a grade of C- or better or equivalent course or Graduate Standing in CHEM-MS.) Lecture 3 (Fall).
Advanced Organic Chemistry
This course will revisit many of the reactions covered in the first year of organic chemistry with an emphasis on stereochemical control. Students will be introduced to the technique of retrosynthesis. The course will introduce more reactions with an emphasis on current topics from the literature. Students will hone their skills in writing electron pushing mechanisms and the use of protecting groups while practicing the art of designing synthetic strategies for making natural products. (Prerequisites: Graduate standing or CHMO-332 or CHMO-232 with a grade of B or better or equivalent course.Grad or CHMO-332 or CHMO) Lecture 3 (Fall).
Mechanisms of Drug Interactions
Drugs are naturally occurring or synthetic substances that upon exposure to a living organism form complexes with biological targets. These complexes result in a characteristic pharmacological effect which alter physiological functions or counteract environmental insults. The goal of this course is to systematically study drug discovery, lead optimization, drug-receptor interactions, and bioavailability. Historically important drug classes and their mechanism of action will receive special consideration. (Prerequisites: CHMB-402 or equivalent course or graduate standing.) Lecture 3 (Spring).
Literature Exploration of Organic Synthesis
This course will be a survey of the recent literature in organic chemistry with a focus on the chemistry concerning the synthesis of natural products and/or methodology towards synthesizing natural products. During each week of the course a student is selected to lead a discussion based on an article from a premier journal. This course may be repeated for credit. (Prerequisites: CHMO-637 or equivalent course.) Lecture 1 (Fall, Spring).
Advanced Physical Organic Chemistry
This course covers topics in physical organic chemistry including: techniques for elucidation of mechanism (kinetic, and linear free energy relationships); isotope effects; molecular orbital theory; and electrocyclic reactions. (Prerequisites: CHMO-332 and CHMP-441 or equivalent course or Graduate Standing in CHEM-MS.) Lecture 3 (Spring).
Principles of Magnetic Resonance
This course is designed to present the theory of magnetic resonance from a physical chemistry perspective. Students will learn about isotropic and anisotropic proton-electron hyperfine, proton-electron dipolar, and proton-proton dipolar interactions; choosing basis functions and eigenfunctions for energy states; setting up the Hamiltonian; and solving for the energies of the states in both the rigid (solid) and rapidly tumbling (liquid) states. The dynamic nature of magnetic resonance will be developed from a kinetic perspective and focus on relaxation times, observable phenomena on the magnetic resonance timescale, and line broadening. Pulsed NMR will be presented from a classical perspective emphasizing spin packets, net magnetization, and rotation matrices through the Bloch equations. (Prerequisites: CHMP-442 or equivalent course or Graduate Standing in CHEM-MS.) Lecture 3 (Fall).
Colloid & Interface Science
The parallel growth of nanotechnology and a molecular perspective in the medical and life sciences has focused attention on the colloidal domain structures of dimension 1 nm to 1 mm. This course will introduce colloid and interface science that will allow for an appreciation of the role of colloids in biological systems, industrial processes and commercial products. (Prerequisites: CHMP-441 or equivalent course or Graduate Standing in CHEM-MS.) Lecture 3 (Fall).
Molecular Photophysics and Photochemistry
This course provides a comprehensive and clear description of the concepts and principles of molecular photophysical processes and photochemistry. The practical methods required for associated photophysical characterization and measurement are presented along with important applications of molecular photonics in cutting-edge research. A review of quantum mechanics is given with the photochemist in mind such that the student is encouraged to make more use of quantum mechanical terms, quantities and concepts. The course covers the interaction of light with molecular orbitals to form an excited state, and its subsequent de-activation. Applications such as lasers, spectroscopy, photoinduced charge transfer in modern organic photovoltaics and photosynthesis are described. (Prerequisites: CHMP-442 or equivalent course or Graduate Standing in CHEM-MS.) Lecture 3 (Spring).
Computational Chemistry
This course will introduce students to an in-depth investigation into the computational theories and applications used to model complex physical and chemical phenomena. Computational methods are used to provide synergy linking experiment with theory involving such chemical processes as reaction mechanisms, docking, energy transfer and conformational conversions. Predicting spectral and thermodynamic properties of molecular systems and ensembles will also be treated. (Prerequisites: CHMP-442 or equivalent course or Graduate Standing in CHEM-MS.) Lecture 3 (Fall).
Polymer Synthesis
This course is mainly about the chemistry applied to synthesize polymers. It includes initially the introduction on the naming and classification and some relevant properties of polymers. We will then discuss the two main methods of synthesizing polymers, namely step-growth polymerization and chain-addition polymerization. Among the step-growth polymerizations, syntheses of different types of polyesters, polyamides, polyurethanes etc. including the reaction mechanisms will be covered. Under chain-addition polymerizations, those by four different initiators (radical, cationic, anionic or coordinative) will be explained. The mechanisms of these types of reactions will be discussed in more detail and, where feasible, effects of stereochemistry or regiochemistry will be included. In addition to the commodity polymers in each category, also the syntheses of some specialty step-growth and chain addition polymers will be included. A few examples of reactions to obtain more reactive monomers will be mentioned. Some specialty type of polymerizations, such as living free radical types, or ring-opening and cyclization polymerizations, will also be discussed. We will include examples of post-polymerization reactions. Finally, we will discuss methods to resolve environmental issues with polymers by developing more sustainable polymers. (Prerequisite: CHMG-201 or MTSE-602 or equivalent course.) Lecture 3 (Fall).
Polymer Chemistry II
This course further investigates the contemporary chemistry of high molecular weight polymers and macromolecules and the relationships between their structure, functionality, and utility. The course focuses on fundamental principles that govern swollen gels and soft matter. Mechanisms of the formation of polymers containing heteroatoms in their chains are examined in detail. Specific attention is given to the synthesis of polymers of controlled architecture and self-assembly, and of polymers and macromolecules. Dendrimers, hyper-branched polymers, functional polymers, polymeric reagents, polyelectrolytes, and biopolymers are also discussed. (Prerequisites: CHPO-706 or equivalent course.) Lecture 3 (Spring).
Polymer Synthesis & Characterization Lab
Students will synthesize about eight polymers and characterize them carry by specific methods. In about half of those experiments step-growth polymerizations and in the other half chain-addition polymerizations will be performed. Among the polymers produced will be Nylon 6-10, Nylon 11, polystyrene, high-density polyethylene, linear low density polyethylene, copolymer of styrene and methyl methacrylate and polyurethane. The most specific types of polymerizations and reactions introduced will be cross-linking polymer, interfacial and bulk step-growth polymerizations, cyclopolymerization, radical, ionic and coordinative chain polymerizations. The methods of characterization which will be applied are infrared (IR) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, titrations, thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), measurement of swelling, and viscometry. (Prerequisites: CHMO-336 or equivalent course or Graduate Standing in CHEM-MS.) Lab 8 (Fall).
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
This course is designed to teach the principles of the imaging technique called magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The course covers spin physics, Fourier transforms, basic imaging principles, Fourier imaging, imaging hardware, imaging techniques, image processing, image artifacts, safety, and advanced imaging techniques. (This class is restricted to graduate students in the IMGS-MS or IMGS-PHD programs.) Lecture 3 (Spring).
Polymer Science
Polymers are ubiquitous. They are used in everyday applications as well as for specialty and cutting-edge technologies. This course is an introduction to the chemistry and physics of synthetic polymers, which include plastics, elastomers and fibers. The synthesis of polymers, their fundamental properties, and the relations between their syntheses, structure, and properties will be studied. Among the topics discussed are the morphology, thermal behavior, solubility, viscoelasticity and characterization of polymers. Copolymerization, tacticity and sustainability of polymers will also be covered. (This class is restricted to degree-seeking graduate students or those with permission from instructor.) Lecture 3 (Spring).