November 9, 2022
RIT researcher brings together cybersecurity experts from U.S., Ireland, and Northern Ireland
Professor S. Jay Yang sees collaboration as the key to combating international cybersecurity threats. That’s why the director of global outreach for RIT’s ESL Global Cybersecurity Institute is helping lead an alliance of cybersecurity researchers from the U.S., Northern Ireland, and the Republic of Ireland.
October 31, 2022
High school graduates experience college life in Croatia
High school graduates from the class of 2022 have taken a leap into higher education through RIT’s inaugural Post-High School Semester in Europe. The program has provided these students the opportunity to spend a semester at RIT’s campus in Dubrovnik, Croatia, taking three classes, conducting research, and enjoying experiential learning trips throughout Croatia and in Rome, Italy.
October 27, 2022
U.S. Department of State to assist RIT in advancing circular economy in Southeast Asia
A $1 million grant from the U.S. Department of State will fund a two-year project led by RIT professors Clyde Hull and Eric Williams to help the Southeast Asian region establish entrepreneurships based on the circular economy.
October 27, 2022
RIT Kosovo renames Peace and Conflict Summer Program for humanitarian Fred Cuny
RIT Kosovo recently rechristened its unique and long-running summer program that explores the origin and resolution of armed conflict, reconstruction, and institution building at the end of wars. The Frederick C. Cuny Peace and Conflict Summer Program was renamed in honor of the humanitarian and disaster relief specialist who worked in crises in more than 50 countries.
October 14, 2022
Conference brings ‘reman’ industry thought leaders from around the world to Rochester
Thought leaders and executives from around the world gathered in Rochester earlier this week for the fifth RIC-RIT World Remanufacturing Conference, which highlighted how “reman” is contributing toward a more sustainable future in the United States and beyond.
October 14, 2022
RIT becomes test site for Yamaha immersive audio technology
Associate Professor Sungyoung Kim’s Applied and Innovative Research for Immersive Sound Lab at RIT is a test site to explore future capabilities of one of Yamaha’s newest technologies, the Active Field Control System.
October 6, 2022
World Remanufacturing Conference returns to Rochester next week
The RIC-RIT World Remanufacturing Conference will feature a world-class line-up of keynote speakers and panel sessions with industry practitioners, tech innovators, policy experts, and scientific researchers discussing “Remanufacturing a Sustainable Future.”
October 6, 2022
Fulbright Scholar presents research in Ireland on circular economy in consumer electronics
Constanza Berron, a Fulbright Scholar from Argentina, went to Ireland to present her research on the circular economy in e-waste management. Berron is a master’s student in sustainable systems.
October 5, 2022
Ambassador of the Republic of Mali visits RIT
The RIT community welcomed His Excellency Sekou Berthe, the ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of the Republic of Mali to the United States of America, on Oct. 4.
September 23, 2022
RIT sustainability professor’s research part of $5.5 million Rockefeller Foundation grant
Nathan Williams, an assistant professor in sustainability whose research focuses on African energy systems, will play a key role in a project made possible by a $5.5 million grant from the Rockefeller Foundation to accelerate development and promote climate resilient infrastructure investment across sub-Saharan Africa.
September 23, 2022
Neonatal ambulance hits ground in Honduras
After five years of collaboration and production, the neonatal transport ambulance designed by RIT’s Hope for Honduras team has hit the ground in Honduras. The ambulance will help save countless young lives by greatly enhancing medical access to neonatal care for those living in rural areas of the country.
September 14, 2022
RIT among ‘Most Trusted Universities’ in the nation
RIT is among the nation’s “Most Trusted Universities” in a recent nationwide survey conducted by decision intelligence company Morning Consult, which defined trust as the belief in an institution “to do the right thing.” RIT ranks No. 37 in public trust among the top 135 doctoral research universities featured in the U.S. News & World Report's 2022 Best National University Rankings.