
Women in Computing at the Rochester Institute of Technology (WiC at RIT) is an all inclusive organization that provides an interdisciplinary networking forum for students, faculty, staff and alumni involved in the field of computing at The Rochester Institute of Technology through professional, leadership, mentorship, and technical development opportunities. WiC at RIT will also encourage the advancement of women and all gender minorities in computing through community outreach.

Who We Are

Women in Computing at Rochester Institute of Technology is dedicated to promoting the success and advancement of women and all gender minorities in their academic and professional careers. Lana Verschage, the Director of Women in Computing, works with all WiC Committee Heads and active members. Our ultimate goal is to empower all in computing fields to succeed and thrive at Rochester Institute of Technology and beyond.


  • To make the field of computing seem less intimidating to women and all gender minorities and allow them to become better integrated within it.
  • To break down gender barriers in the field and promote a truly equal and inclusive environment.
  • To organize social events to strengthen relationships to encourage those who may feel ostracized.
  • To encourage students ages K-12 to explore computing through outreach programs, camps, and mentorship.
  • To create opportunities for members to gain and expand their technical knowledge through projects, WiCHacks, tech talks, and conferences.
  • To provide a channel for distributing event information from other organizations within the field.
  • To accumulate technical news, knowledge, and information for use in encouraging the involvement of women and all gender minorities in the field of computing and providing a clearer path to success within it.

Get Involved

All members of the Rochester Institute of Technology community are eligible to get involved with WiC at RIT. This organization is designed to provide opportunities for women and gender minorities but open to all without regard to race, gender, or national origin.

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Since 2018 WiC has offered tutoring in the WiC Space. We have tutoring for all the basic first-year and second-year coding classes!

Tutoring Schedule

Spring 2025 Tutoring Schedule


WiC is an evolving professional organization within the RIT community. WiC is an inclusive organization which supports all interested in computing while promoting the success and advancement of women and gender minorities in the field. WiC inspires confidence in our members by fostering personal growth and professional development

Come to one of our General Meetings every Wednesday, come to any of our committee meetings, and/or stop by the Wegmans WiC Collaboratory (GOL-2350)

Attend at least half of the general meetings per semester.

  • Attend at least half of the general meetings per semester
  • Attend at least one Social Event and one Volunteer Event, or two Volunteer Events per semester
  • Attend and participate in at least half of the same committee meetings per semester.

Attend conferences, WiC Jacket, other WiC swag, priority to networking with university recruiters and alumni, Leadership Opportunities and present at panels

The Wegmans Women in Computing Collaboratory (formerly known as the WiC Space) is located in GOL-2350, the second floor of Golisano. Just follow the signs and come say hi! It’s open from 9am - 4pm and various times at night

Participation is open to all regardless of any protected category, including sex, gender, gender identity, race, color, and/or national origin.

No. All you need to do to become a member is go to half of our general meetings and half of one committee’s meetings every semester. Please reference our constitution for more details.

Student Stories

head shot of Shannon McHaleComputing Security'21
Former Committee Head of
Public Relations

The WiC upperclassmen want me to succeed. Every time I feel unsure or overwhelmed they have picked me up and reminded me I'm competent. They remind me that I belong at RIT and in cybersecurity. They help me to be as great as them, but they want me to be even better.

head shot of Asia WoodsideComputer Science '20
Former Head of Events

WiC taught me leadership and gave me a community. Thank goodness for this organization. Seeing it grow from meeting in our director's office to occupying our own space and the continuous expansion has been incredible. The opportunities and networking alone played a huge role in who I am today. It inspired me to be a part of creating a place of comfortability to allow for more diversity. WiC gave me the confidence to be a face of encouragement because if I can do it, vou can too and have fun while you're at it! AfterHours was a crucial decision-maker in committing to RIT. I wouldn't want to change my experience with these women and our director.

head shot of Caitlin LanderComputing Security '19
Head of Outreach PR, Allies, Outreach Committee Member

WiC has helped me build confidence within RIT and the tech community. I know I can always see a friendly face and have a good conversation in the WiC space. It has become my family away from home.

head shot of Darlene ArdilaWeb and Mobile Development'23
Head of WiCHacks

As the first generation college student and Colombian-American in my family, I always carried anxieties about where I would be able to fit in. Luckily WiC reached out to me as a senior in high school and invited me to After Hours, an opportunity that I would recommend everyone accept because have made great friends and experiences ever since. want everyone to be able to experience all of the awesome things we do as an organization, like the annual hackathon that I have had the honor to direct! WiC has become my second home.

headshot of Ariel ViggianoWeb & Mobile Development '20
Former Projects Committee Head

I have been an active member of WiC for two years but l've known about WiC since my senior year of high school when I attended my first hackathon, WiCHacks. Throughout the past 2 years I've had fun working with projects, maintaining and building awesome things like the magic mirror.

headshot of Laura WeintraubComputing Security '19
Former Committee Head of PR

The WiC overnight kickstarted my career by helping me to network and make lasting connections with current students that have guided my experience at RIT. The Public Relations committee will forever hold a piece of my heart for it has provided me with valuable leadership experience and mentor-mentee relationships. WiC has allowed me to share my knowledge and passions with the next generation of students through outreach, and I am so thankful for the organization.

headshot of Meghan CantlinComputer Science'22
PR Committee Member

I came for the WiC After Hours program before I committed to RIT. During After Hours, I met with WiC members and at the time and potential students. It was here that I one, decided to commit to RIT, two, decided to join WiC upon attending, and three met my current roommate and best friend.

Headshot of Mililani RosareNew Media Interactive Design - BS'22, MS'24
Former PR Committee Head

WiC has made me feel that I have a place to belong. WiC was one of the factors that I chose to attend RIT. Through WiC, I was able to meet new people and participate in multiple WiC events. One of the events I attended was the WiC NYC Trip where I networked with different companies and met more people in WiC. Overall, WiC has made me feel a part of a family.