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Specialized Program Accreditation

Program Accreditation

RIT is required to maintain a current list of each degree program and its specialized accreditation status.

This information is also publically available on RIT’s Consumer Information/Student Right to Know page.

Review and Approval of Accreditation Materials

In order to support all specialized accredited programs, the provost has implemented a university-wide review process. All program documents are submitted to the assistant provost at least 6 weeks in advance of the due date. This review and feedback period is required prior to the provost's signature. The goal is to ensure a comprehensive university level review and feedback process for all program level accreditation efforts.

Accreditation Materials Archive

The Provost’s Office also tracks and maintains accreditation related documents (self-studies, progress or final reports) for its academic programs with specialized accreditation. 


For questions related to program accreditation, please contact the Office of Academic Program and Curriculum Management.

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