Faculty Scholarship 2014

Department of Management

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Richard DeMartino

Department of Management
Saunders College of Business

2014 Submissions

Invited Article/Publication

Stromeyer, W., Miller, J., SriramachandraMurthy, R., & DeMartino, R. (2014). The Prowess and Pitfalls Of Bayesian Structural Equation Modelling: Important Considerations For Management Research. Journal of Management. . .

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John Ettlie

Department of Management
Saunders College of Business

2014 Submissions

Full Length Book

(2014). Globalization of Research & Development: Corporate Trends, Challenges and Science Policy. Ettlie, J., & Hira, R.

Book Chapter

(2014). . Globalization of Research & Development: Corporate Trends, Challenges and Science Policy. Ettlie, J., & Hira, R.

Published Conference Proceedings

Ettlie, J., Miller, J., & Angelis, J. (2014). Implementation Strategies for Open Innovation. !st World Conference on Open Innovation.

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Ettlie, J., Miller, J., & Angelis, J. (2014). Implementation Strategies for Open Innovation. !st World Conference on Open Innovation.

Ettlie, J., (2014). Dreams Become You. Academy of Management Annual Meering.

Invited Article/Publication

Ettlie, J., Vance, C., Groves, K., & Hess, G. (2014). "Cognitive Style and Innovation in Organizations,". European Journal of Innovation Management. . .

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Malarvizhi Hirudayaraj

Associate Professor
Department of Management
Saunders College of Business

2014 Submissions

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Hirudayaraj, M., (2014). Transition Challenges of First-generation Graduates: A Wake up call for human resource professionals. International Research Conference Academy of Human Resource Development Americas.

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Shal Khazanchi

Department of Management
Saunders College of Business

2014 Submissions

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Sheep, M., & Khazanchi, S. (2014). The Double-bind of calling among artists. European Group for Organizational Studies, EGOS.

Khazanchi, S., & Ghitulescu, B. (2014). Knots in the discourse of Innovation: Investigating multiple tensions in a reacquired spin-offs. European Group for Organizational Studies, EGOS.

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A Erhan Mergen

Department of Management
Saunders College of Business

2014 Submissions

Published Conference Proceedings

Holmes, D., & Mergen, A. (2014). A First Order Markov Chain Model for Autocorrelated Processes. The 2014 Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Meeting Proceedings, Philadelphia, PA.

Invited Article/Publication

Stevenson, W., & Mergen, A. (2014). Estimating Seasonal Relatives Using Simple Averaging: Not Just for Stationary Data. Operations Management Education Review. 8. 125-138.

Holmes, D., & Mergen, A. (2014). Converting Survey Results from 4-Point to 5-Point Scale. Total Quality Management and Business Excellence. 25. 175-182.

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dt ogilvie

Department of Management
Saunders College of Business

2014 Submissions

Published Conference Proceedings

Smith, D., Blount, I., & ogilvie, d. (2014). Homophily Matters: The Impact of Minority Group Homophily on the Performance of MBEs. Academy of Management Conference-August.

Smith, D., Blount, I., & ogilvie, d. (2014). Homophily Matters: The Impact of Minority Group Homophily on the Performance of MBEs. Academy of Management Conference-August.

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Smith, D., Blount, I., & ogilvie, d. (2014). Homophily Matters: The Impact of Minority Group Homophily on the Performance of MBEs. Academy of Management Conference-August.

Invited Article/Publication

Kirkman, D., & ogilvie, d. (2014). An Examination of Entrepreneurial Orientation in Dedicated Biotechnology Firms: Context Matters. Organization Management Journal. 11. 84-100.

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Joy Olabisi

Associate Professor
Department of Management
Saunders College of Business

2014 Submissions

Invited Article/Publication

Eubanks, D., Palanski, M., Swart, J., Hammond, M., & Oguntebi, J. (2014). Creativity in Early and Established Career: Insights into Multi-Level Drivers from Nobel Prize Winners. The Journal of Creative Behavior. . .

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Michael Palanski

Department of Management
Saunders College of Business

2014 Submissions

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Palanski, M., Babik, D., & Ford, E. (2014). Mobius SLIP: Anonymous, peer-reviewed writing.. Organizational Behavior Teaching Conference.

Hammond, M., Clapp-Smith, R., & Palanski, M. (2014). An exploration of multi-domain leadership.. Academy of Management Meeting-August.

Avey, J., Mayer, D., Simons, T., & Palanski, M. (2014). What happens to employee behavior when ethical leaders do not practice what they preach?. Academy of Management Meeting-August.

Dineen, L., Hammond, M., Palanski, M., & Clapp-Smith, R. (2014). The leader I see versus the leader you see: The relationship between self-other agreement of leadership identity and leadership outcomes.. Irish Academy of Management.

Invited Article/Publication

Bull Schaefer, R., & Palanski, M. (2014). Emotional Contagion at Work: An In-Class Experiential Activity. Journal of Management Education. 38. 533-559.

Eubanks, D., Palanski, M., Hammond, M., Olabisi, J., & Swart, J. (2014). Creativity in Early and Established Career: Insights into Multi-Level Drivers from Nobel Prize Winners. Journal of Creative Behavior. . .

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Sandra Rothenberg

Department of Management
Saunders College of Business

2014 Submissions

Full Length Book

(2014). Climate Innovation Liberal Capitalism and Climate Change. Levy, D., & Rothenberg, S.

Book Chapter

(2014). The Role of Corporate Scientists and Institutional Context: Corporate Responses to Climate Change in the Automobile Industry. Climate Innovation Liberal Capitalism and Climate Change. Levy, D., & Rothenberg, S.

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Rothenberg, S., & Sherman, A. (2014). Servicizing and Other Models for Reduced Consumption: A Literature Review and Call for Research. INFORMS Annual Meeting.

Rothenberg, S., & Sherman, A. (2014). Business Models and Economic Systems for Reduced Consumption: A Literature Review. Sustainability, Ethics and Entrepreneurship (SEE) Conference.

Invited Article/Publication

Rothenberg, S., Hull, C., & Tang, Z. (2014). The Impact of Human Resource Management on Corporate Social Performance Strengths and Concerns. Business and Society. 56. .

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Torrence Sparkman

Associate Professor
Department of Management
Saunders College of Business

2014 Submissions

Published Conference Proceedings

Sparkman, T., (2014). Revisiting Brazil: Exploring the factors and conditions for national human resource development. Academy of Human Resource Development.

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Sparkman, T., (2014). Revisiting Brazil: Exploring the factors and conditions for national human resource development. Academy of Human Resource Development.

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Zhi Tang

Department of Management
Saunders College of Business

2014 Submissions

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Tang, Z., & Tang, J. (2014). Exploring the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation, CEO dual values, and SME performance in state-owned vs. non-state-owned enterprises in China. USASBE.

Tang, J., Tang, Z., & Cowden, B. (2014). Investigating the joint contributions of EO and CEO values to performance of Chinese SMEs. Academy of Management.

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